Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
A time note, with a stem, having one fourth the value of asemibreve, one half that of a minim, and twice that of a quaver; aquarter note.
Crotchet meaning & definition 1 of Crotchet.
(crot-SHAY) a large piercing in the genitalia with a crochet hook. Crotch, of course, refers to the area of the genitalia, and a crochet hook is used to turn yarn into fabric. It is similar to a knitting needle but may be larger and will have tortuous hooks on one or both ends.
Crotchet meaning & definition 2 of Crotchet.
Verb To knit, a style of knitting.
MaryCrotchet meaning & definition 3 of Crotchet.
a note that lasts 1 beat when reading a music sheet.
a woman blows the mans penis as if it were a [brass instrument] on the tip until its dripping with saliva like the end of a [trombone] (for example) after an [orchestra] performance.
Crotchet meaning & definition 4 of Crotchet.
A note having the time value of a quarter of a semibreve or half a minim, represented by a large solid dot with a plain stem.
Crotchet meaning & definition 5 of Crotchet.
[an old] woman that lassos [mens] penis with a crocheted [lasso].
Crotchet meaning & definition 6 of Crotchet.