large heavily built goat antelope of eastern Himalayan area
Mary Mallozziberg
@Mary Mallozziberg
Latest posts made by Mary Mallozziberg
RE: Album
A book specially designed to keep photographs, stamps, or autographs.
RE: Morale
The capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others.
RE: Pervert
Term used by people who are [hypocrites] because were all [perverts]. We all [crave] sex, but some crave it more than others and these people are called perverts but still theyre hypocrites because they crave sex too. People who say this term are usually too immature to handle sex.
RE: Munch
A [eater], or a [super simp] who do anything for a girl off the thought that she is [feeling him].
RE: Chotch
A man who orders the childrens catfish as an [appetizer] at [Dons] in [Lafayette]
RE: Dramaticize
Dramaticize means to make something more interesting, exciting or dramatic. It involves using exaggeration and creating tension to create a more engaging experience for the audience. For example, a story that involves danger or suspense can be dramaticized to make it more engaging and exciting. It involves taking something that is already familiar and making it more interesting, exciting or dramatic.