• Chagrin, mortification, discontent, or uneasiness at the
    sight of anothers excellence or good fortune, accompanied with some
    degree of hatred and a desire to possess equal advantages; malicious
    grudging; -- usually followed by of; as, they did this in envy of

    Envy meaning & definition 1 of Envy.

  • One of [the seven] deadly sins- Envy is a feeling of [grudging] admiration for anothers talent, integrity, personality, looks, money or happiness.

    Envy oftens serves as the motivation for different acts.

    Envy may lead one to avoid, to dislike or to [insinuate] the so called superior person is bad to make others think badly of them. They wish for the other person to not have whatever they are envious and go to extreme measures to prevent them from having it. If they cant get it they are satisfied with trying to destroy thier happiness through under-handed means.

    Envy meaning & definition 2 of Envy.

  • To feel hatred towards a person who you feel has more than you and a better life. I think people learn to envy by watching all these rap videos and kim kardisian bullshit. You program your subconcious to feel this envy in your heart. For example if you watch rich and [famous people] all day and you come into the presence of one and they show you how they live you would feel [intimidated] and ashamed for nothing. People who brag have low self esteem. Learn to imagine your self in the mind instead of thinking about how rich Justin Bieber is and what he has and meet him and hell envy you for being strong not like most of his kick ass fans and [fake friends] who prey on him to get money

    Envy meaning & definition 3 of Envy.

  • When you wish you had someones looks, talent, [nice car] and personality but you dont so you [badmouth] them to make yourself look better or them look worse. Its called [leveling] and practiced by those with low self esteem/insecurity.

    Envy meaning & definition 4 of Envy.

  • A bitter state or hatred induced by another having something more than oneself. Most acute between people where the difference is slight, eg, a [neighbour] with a minutely more expensive car. The most denied emotion - Im not [envious], I [dont hate] her because shes got more money than me!.

    Envy meaning & definition 5 of Envy.

  • An androgynous [homunculus] of [Hagaren] who is able to change shape at will. A member of the 7 Sins group. See also [palm tree], cactus, lightbulb.

    Envy meaning & definition 6 of Envy.

  • A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone elses possessions, qualities, or luck.

    Envy meaning & definition 7 of Envy.

  • the wanting/desire/[admiration] of or [for what] another person has. Commonly confused with [jealousy], but not the same.

    Envy meaning & definition 8 of Envy.

  • a. Someone who hasnt [deed] it.
    b. To [get roasted] like Eva.
    c. To already come out at a Gay Parade.
    d. Opposite of straight up [cleva].

    Envy meaning & definition 9 of Envy.

  • [Palmtree] with a [grudge] against [the world].

    Envy meaning & definition 10 of Envy.

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