• A very cool person. A Natalie is loved by everybody. She is too good for words to desctibe.

    Natalie meaning & definition 3 of Natalie.

  • A Natalie is a amazing girl and any man would be SO LUCKY to have her, she is a natural beauty and her charms could charm anyone,

    She is a lovley girl who loves to dye her hair and loves to have fun with her friends and would should be honoured if you EVER meet a natalie

    Natalie meaning & definition 4 of Natalie.

  • A beautiful, talented, athletic, and determined girl who always sees the good in people. She has an amazing sense of humor and lights up a room with her smile. Her beauty shines through no matter what the occasion. She puts her whole heart into everything she persues. Though they might not see it, she cherishes her friends more than anything in the world and would do anything for them. She loves having a good time and takes each day as a blessing. She is every guys dream girl; smart, pretty, and funny. She is truly an angel sent from above.

    Natalie meaning & definition 5 of Natalie.

  • A kind, caring, cool and very funny person who is one of th enicest people you will ever meet. 😃 she never has a bad word to say about anyone and is a 100% reliable friend.

    Natalie meaning & definition 6 of Natalie.

  • lovely and sensitive girl
    easy troubled but never gives up
    trying new things all the time
    but never forget the old times
    a common name for girls
    but never a common person
    she is always the most special

    Natalie meaning & definition 7 of Natalie.

  • she has the sweetest heart, shes shy at first but once you get to know her you wouldnt regret meeting her. ANY GUY would be the luckiest guy in the universe to have her. shes funny, sweet, nice, kind, and beautiful. she has everything anyone would want in a girl. Natalie will be supportive of you no matter what the lengths are and will always try to guide you in the right direction. At times [Natalie May] seem rude but there is no other person that will care for you like she does. she is great with friends, know a lot of people but is very [anti social], her bestfriends are the most important thing to her. she seems shy, innocent, and quiet at first, but being around her will make you feel like you’re problems [fade away]. There isn’t anyone like her. The way she looks at you when you aren’t looking. The way she will talk about you will make you feel like you’ve won it all. With Natalie she will make you feel like you will never be alone. She will talk to you all the time. Make fun of you. Laugh with you. But most importantly she will love you like there is no other in the world. Never take her for granted she only would want to see you [thrive]. She’s been hurt so many times but still loves and cares for people like there’s no tomorrow. She has a heart of gold.

    Natalie is the true [definition of love]

    Natalie meaning & definition 8 of Natalie.

  • A very talented, beautiful girl who doesnt know it. She is shy at first, but when she opens [up to you] she is kind and humorous. She is intelligent and has [determination] to succeed. Natalie doesnt let anything get in the way of what she wants. Natalie will [brighten] up any room with her beautiful smile.

    Natalie meaning & definition 9 of Natalie.

  • She doesn’t need makeup to be attractive, she doesn’t need to wear low-cut tops or miniskirts to look great. She attracts people with her personality, always [cheerful], faithful and loyal, friendly and a good friend. She always has [good advice] to solve her friends’ problems, and she feels these problems as if they were her own. She’s won the title of best friend, although some of them have left her [disappointed].

    Natalie meaning & definition 10 of Natalie.

  • A girl who is totally [timid] and shy around new people, but once you get to know her, she will become one of your best friends. She doesnt have many boyfriends, because she has trouble expressing how she really feels about people. She easily goes along with [the flow]. She is very confident, but gets hurt very easily. She is a very sensitive girl, but she doesnt let it show, because she doesnt want to involve those around her. Very kind, smart, and beautiful. She is [the perfect girl].

    Natalie meaning & definition 11 of Natalie.

  • Natalie is a [super weird] but amazing girl who is very self conscious but once you break that barrier your in. She has either the biggest or the [lamest] crush no in between. She loves her best friends and would do anything for them. Shes very unique and likes to dye her hair no matter what color. [Natalies] are very shy around their crushes and have trouble communicating but have a lovely heart.

    Natalie meaning & definition 12 of Natalie.

  • A [stunner]! She is absolutely amazing at anything she tries... ANYTHING!! She is a bit [shy at first] then she opens up and is a loud, fun, loving, caring person. Everyone is her friend. She is the best friend that anyone can ask for! She is nice to everyone, so go get her boys! As she is beautiful on the inside and [on the out], boys fall for her FAST.

    Natalie meaning & definition 13 of Natalie.

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