• A Psychopathic wife whos goal in life is to play nice and convince the spouse into marriage. Once this task has been accomplished she will then turn into a satan-sort of a human-being and forcefully remove your sexual organs and hands. she will then harvest these organs and only give them use during self pleasure in the form of masturbation. Once you can stand no more she will lock you and all your children in the frigid basement and torment you unitl you can stand no more. Finally she will take a nazi dagger and make an incision across your [trachea] causing extreme blood loss leading to death, which only brings furthe peasure to her. Once the spouse is deceased she will perform sexual experiments on the children such as attaching squirrel testicles and removing the human ones. once all her fun and games have been performed and she is satisfied with her [demoness], she will then break a valve filled with fatal [carbon monoxide] gas, and [watch the kids] through a video camera as they suffer for their last breathe.

    Natalie pollard meaning & definition 1 of Natalie pollard.

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