• The rough, scaly matter on the surface of the bark of trees.[Prov. Eng.

    Ross meaning & definition 1 of Ross.

  • ross
    adj. ross·er, ross·ome
    n. ross·ity, ross·ness

    1. Of or pertaining to something, that, by the carefully judged standards of a select few individuals, is very cool and awesome
    2. But not just normally awesome, it is a special kind of awesome that I wouldn't really expect you to understand unless you have truly felt the power of something ross in your life.
    3. When you feel that something might be ross, you should consult me and I will tell you if it is or isn't.
    4. Of course it's slightly subjective, but not really.
    5. Some common misconceptions link this word to the stupid Friends character Ross. This is patently untrue. It has nothing to do with him, especially because he is not ross. The word is derived from the maniacal babblings of the Ealy family.

    Ross meaning & definition 2 of Ross.

  • When Something Is Straight Awsome To The Max.

    Ross meaning & definition 3 of Ross.

  • A Ross is a sexy beast. Found mainly in lush green climates, some occasionally migrate to much colder areas. Feeds on take away and strawberry Yoohoo. When encountered, hug tightly, and don't let go.

    Ross meaning & definition 4 of Ross.

  • Ross:

    An alien being that can aften be found at in locations of very high fun density. Otherwise, favoured habitat is forests or rivers.

    A Ross looks [human] from the outside, but are obviously alien when you observe them competiting against humans in the wild where Ross's clearly outperform humans in all areas.

    If you see a Ross, kiss it. They like that.

    Ross meaning & definition 5 of Ross.

  • Smart, intelligent, Knows how to have a laugh. Loved by many. Some think of him as a geek but he's nothing of the sort. Madly in love with one of his best mates but she doesn't know yet. Hey, they always say it's hard to let go of some people with certain names...

    Ross meaning & definition 6 of Ross.

  • A very handsome man with mysterious bright blue eyes. Has a way with stealing your heart and making it melt with his sweet words of affection. His smile gives butterflies to the girl with the green eyes. Hugs like a bear, kisses sweetly, and loves deeply. Caring and passionate. To sum it all up, a total sweetheart 🙂

    Ross meaning & definition 7 of Ross.

  • A complete and total stranger that is nice to everyone. Someone who is [cool].

    Ross meaning & definition 8 of Ross.

  • a constantly drunk totally awesome kinda guy who because of his boozing ends up in the totally craziest of situations you can imagine with many a story but short life expectancy

    Ross meaning & definition 9 of Ross.

  • a person of male gender. Before you know him, you are a normal sane person. He will like you and then not like you. he will make you madly and deeply in love with him, and then he will turn his back on you and like someone else who doesnt know he exists.

    Ross meaning & definition 10 of Ross.

  • A really hot guy who loves World of War Craft and Star Wars. Ross is a guy who you can trust with your life. He is funny, doesn't care what other people think of him, and real. He doesn't try to be anyone he's not. Easy to fall in love with and just a caring person. You can never get bored with Ross even if your having a three hour conversation about nothing. He is really sweet and sensitive. He can commit to sports and other things, but not girls. You can have the best conversations with Ross. He gets drunk a lot and has really crazy and funny drug stories. You will be lucky to ever meet a Ross because they are hard to come across.

    Ross meaning & definition 11 of Ross.

  • ROSS is legal research software that uses artificial intelligence to help thousands of U.S. lawyers work faster and smarter. A software product by ROSS Intelligence

    Ross meaning & definition 12 of Ross.

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