• A certain distance or remove in the line of descent,determining the proximity of blood; one remove in the chain ofrelationship; as, a relation in the third or fourth degree.In the 11th century an opinion began to gain ground in Italy, thatthird cousins might marry, being in the seventh degree according tothe civil law. Hallam.

    Degree meaning & definition 1 of Degree.

  • An academic title conferred by universities and colleges as an indication of the completion of a course of study, or as an honorary recognition of achievement.
    Or more honestly, something that you have to get in order to get a decent job. While most schools confer degrees, there is a new class of [ttt] schools, mostly online like [University of Phoenix] and [Walden University], that basically sell degrees. While not technically a [diploma mill], these new schools have such weak standards that [US News and World Report] doesn't even bother to rank them. So as long as you stick to a real college, [UCLA], [Harvard], [Duke University], [Texas A

    Degree meaning & definition 2 of Degree.

  • The academic qualification that hopefully makes worthwhile the spending of the best part of your early adulthood staring at words, diagrams and numbers on computer screens and in books, being unable to keep your own income, living off pot noodles, spending several hours a day on dirty buses, regurgitating author's opinions and sometimes regurgitating after a night of heavy drinking as a result of an attempt to forget about all of the above for a night.

    Degree meaning & definition 3 of Degree.

  • It is simply a means to an end. Guys want to obtain the power of degree in order to get a job and make money. However, the real purpose of obtaining this power is because they want to get the perfect girl that they drew in their mind with the money them make. Then when they find the perfect girl and get married, she will cheat on them with a badass-no-good guy who has no degree.

    Degree meaning & definition 4 of Degree.

  • A series of [mundane] tasks that if successfully completed, will award you a pointless [piece of paper] that will get you a job you were capable of doing 4 years ago. Courses are usually run by wanker academics who are fat and have no [social skills] who despite having no idea who you are, think they have the right to grade your intellect.

    Degree meaning & definition 5 of Degree.

  • The amount, level, or extent to which something happens or is present.

    Degree meaning & definition 6 of Degree.

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