• (with reference to a computer system) boot or be booted again.

    Reboot meaning & definition 1 of Reboot.

  • To start anew with fresh ideas [in a way] that is [consistent] with the principals of the original, but not unnecessarily [constrained] by what has taken place before.

    Reboot meaning & definition 2 of Reboot.

  • A [classic] show which takes place [inside] a [computer].

    Reboot meaning & definition 3 of Reboot.

  • Great show that used to be shown on Cartoon Network a few years back. It was the first all computer animated series ever. The whole shows premise was about life in a computer, as if the computer was a city/planet thing, and the Internet and the Web was outer space. Viruses were (mostly) evil villains, who tried to convert the citizens of said computer world into viral servants.
    The user was like a god, so to speak. The user would play games, causing a large purple cube to [descend upon] an area of the city. If the citizens inside won, and defeated the user, [the cube] would leave, no harm done. On the other hand, if they lost, they were nullified and became slug-like creatures with no apparent conciousness. Also, the area covered by the cube is wrecked. The games are the funniest part of the show. They often [spoofed] on actual games and tv shows. One of my favorites is when Matrix, a muscular, green humanoid and his girlfriend, [AndrAIa], enter a game, along with a younger version of Matrix. Once inside the game, they tap their badge-like icons, and become game characters. The younger kid becomes bald, short, and stocky. Matrix becomes an exact, but larger, replica. Basically, they are now [Dr. Evil] and [Mini-Me]!!!! LOL. [The Austin] Powers-spoofed character was just plain dorky..........[0.o]

    Reboot meaning & definition 4 of Reboot.

  • To put [yer] [boots] [back on]!

    Reboot meaning & definition 5 of Reboot.

  • To [restart] a computer when its acting like a little bitch. Common on old Mac and Windows systems, not so common on old Linux boxes, rare on modern computers.

    To restart a movie, comic, TV, or book franchise in hopes that it wont [jump the shark] again. Sometimes works spectacularly ([Battlestar Galactica]). Sometimes falls flat on its face.

    Reboot meaning & definition 6 of Reboot.

  • v. to take a [power nap], drink a [caffeinated] beverage, engage in sexual intercourse, or use any other means to [recharge] ones energy or the energy of another.

    Reboot meaning & definition 7 of Reboot.

  • [The method] of kicking the [bejesus] out of your PC to [stop it] from being annoying.

    Reboot meaning & definition 8 of Reboot.

  • To [force] oneself to [throw up] in order to [continue] drinking.

    Reboot meaning & definition 9 of Reboot.

  • To [accidentally] or voluntarily [vomit].

    Reboot meaning & definition 10 of Reboot.

  • (of a computer) to switch off and then start again immediately, or to make a computer do this:

    Reboot meaning & definition 11 of Reboot.

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