• A term that is often misused in refferance to someone really tough or is hard to kill.
    The actual term means it cannot die, no matter what.
    Vampires definition of [immortality] is often misleading. Where it is true vampires can [live forever], they can still be killed via sunlight and other various means. This means they are, in fact, not [immortal]. The same goes with characters like [Kratos] from the video game God of war 2. He had his immortality taken away, and was mortal again. Because there was a way to take away his immortality, he wasnt really immortal in the first place.
    Immortals are not liable or subject to death. If there is a way to kill them, they arent really immortal.
    The true definition means unending life.
    There are several meathods of immortality. One is [regenerative] abilities, to be able to [regenerate] from absolutely nothing. Another way is resurrection, where one can never really die but instead their death is their [rebirth] and they simply reincarnate like a Phoenix without the use of ashes. And of course, last but not least, the invulnurable kind. The ones that you just cant harm.
    Immortals have lived forever with no way of dying and were/always be around, and mortals who achieve immortality eliminate death altogether forever. This is sad however as eventually they will be forced to live in a boring and [unending] existence with no way out because they cannot kill themselves to stop it and no way to reverse the process. You are immortal, its impossible become mortal again because that would mean death is a possibility, a fate impossible for an immortal.

    Immortals meaning & definition 1 of Immortals.

  • Persian [Armys] elite men. Known for being replaced quickly of anybodys fallen.
    But well known in others as those masked, black-laden, wakizashi-armed grotesque men who [Leonidas] and his boys [beat back].

    Immortals meaning & definition 2 of Immortals.

  • living or lasting for ever:

    Immortals meaning & definition 3 of Immortals.

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