• Tough, muscular, macho, aggressive, very large and possibly Crazed

    Brolic meaning & definition 2 of Brolic.

  • Term originally derived from the Dragonball Z cartoon which featured a character named Broli or Broly who was vastly superior to the other characters in size and power.

    Broli is an immensely powerful warrior capable of destroying planets. When used in reference to men it is a complement, when used in refrence to women it is a severe diss or insult (Meaning the woman is manly or butch in some physical manner). Examples below.

    *Often the ultimate diss is to combine 4 Bs ending in Bitch and beginning with Brolic. Often used as a harsh punch-line in turning down a girl.

    Brolic is often used to describe atheltic women who are unnaturaly muscular and is the only word ive heard to describe athetlic women in the informal context.

    A more respective alternative might be [brickhouse] which means the woman is in shape but certainly doesnt look like a man. (ie- Serena Williams) [Brickhouse] can be a very well recieved complement.

    Brolic on the other hand (if you are a female) means your face resembles a box and you should lighten up on the workouts and eat some platanos and gain some [booty] and [titty] fat or something for dudes to grab on to.

    Dudes generally dont like Brolic chicks, we like some gellatin to wiggle around and smack. Brolic means you are 99% muscle and your [ass] is hard as a rock.

    Whole purpose of men liking females is because they are soft and squishy. So as a rule of thumb, if you are ever called Brolic, you need to immediatley cease any excercises.

    Men that are called Brolic may keep up the good work for those ladies that want the rock hard abs.

    Brolic meaning & definition 3 of Brolic.

  • Big. Large in size or Satisfaction.

    Brolic meaning & definition 4 of Brolic.

  • Often used to describe somebody who is strong, it holds the most extreme definition of strength and power.

    Somebody who is strong and workouts is known as a brolic.

    Can be used as a verb to illustrate physical harm.

    A dedicated folk-style, freestyle, or Greco wrestler is automatically known as a brolic because of the physically demanding schedule they endure.

    Only when used as a verb is the word brolic to have a k at the end of it so that it can be easily conjugated.

    Brolic meaning & definition 5 of Brolic.

  • adj to describe something that is very large in size

    Brolic meaning & definition 6 of Brolic.

  • getting tough

    Brolic meaning & definition 7 of Brolic.

  • a person who is really stong and diesel. Has very big muscles.

    Brolic meaning & definition 8 of Brolic.

    1. Immense strength that you can only achieve if you have abused steroids for the past year or so and have muscles so huge that you cant even touch your own head.

    Contrary to popular belief it is not a real word and was derived from the Dragon Ball Z character Broli.

    Brolic meaning & definition 9 of Brolic.

  • A) Many people refer brolic with strength, how strong something is. Also related to strength and how big something is.

    B) Brolic is just another way of saying amazing or beast.

    Brolic meaning & definition 10 of Brolic.

  • @Jessica The origins are actually unknown. Broly wad not the origin because the term was being used in rap before anyone knew who he was

    Brolic meaning & definition 11 of Brolic.

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