• aka Ballbuster Video
    Video/Game rental franchaise of [dubious merit] that discovered they were losing a huge market share of the video rental industry by instituting an authoritarian return policy, whereupon they stupidly decided to waive all late fees to offset their dwindling customer accounts. They then decided to enter the mail rental biz and have been getting their asses wiped by Netflix (aka [Netflux]) ever since, mostly because of the poor customer service and shitty selection they offer their members. Never has a once-successful company ever tried so hard to fuck itself up the ass six ways to Sunday at every turn. We can only sit back and watch with curious amusement as it struggles to outdo its own corporate incompetence before cashing in its proverbial chips to the competition. Meanwhile, all of [Blockbusters] former customers can register their disgust with these assholes by driving up to the night return facility and pissing [in the slot].

    Blockbuster meaning & definition 1 of Blockbuster.

  • A thing of great power or size, in particular a movie, book, or other product that is a great commercial success.

    Blockbuster meaning & definition 2 of Blockbuster.

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