• A usually white, middle-classed woman. She drives an SUV. Her kids are her little angels and are more important than anything or anyone else in the world and deserve to play game demos or do anything else more than everyone. She doesnt let her little angels watch TV with naughty words such as crap, pussywillow, and pants. Her kids arent allowed to go on the internet because its all about sex, raping little children, buying useless crap, and getting scammed. She strictly enforces the ESRB ratings systems; by that I mean makes up her own: EC = 10 and under, E = 11 and up, T and above = Not in my house (Movies: PG and under = Only movies you can see). Anything that doesnt say theyre Christian is automatically Satanic; this includes 99.998% of music. Her children participate in as many after-school activities as possible and are usually at day camp during the summer.
    Soccer moms are usually seen screaming at people, getting into car accidents, and breaking copies of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and refusing to pay for them.

    Soccer mom meaning & definition 1 of Soccer mom.

    1. The downfall of human society
    2. The only people who have no real purpose in life other than to pick up there children from school, take them to an after school program, (Karate,Soccer,Baseball, Football)and to be the trophy wife of a husband that hardly spends time with his kids. Often seen trying to blend in, but stands out like a sore thumb. Usually seen driving a huge ass SUV and is proud that their child is a slave to pop culture and wont think for themselves. They are allowed to bring their bratty ass kids anywhere, but if you are in line with a box of condoms (trying not to make the same mistake they made) they have the balls to make faces and make stupid ass remarks. They also think that their little angels wouldnt make any of the same mistakes they made. Even though they act like there the boss, they dont run sh!t.

    Soccer mom meaning & definition 2 of Soccer mom.

  • A middle-aged upper middle class woman (ussually white)and lives in the suburbs who devotes her life to her childeren. She carpools, drives them to soccer and little leauge, volenteers at their school, does snack days, and play dates. Most of them end up driving their childeren away by not letting them express their selves and immediatley putting down anything that they find important. They are usually Christian and this can be shown around their house, in most of the cases I have found the childeren end up being atheist. They drive in their mini vans and suburbans with their fancy coffees and cell phones.

    Soccer mom meaning & definition 3 of Soccer mom.

  • Some sort of detriment to life. A waste of body cells. Middle-class or lower-upperclass, SUV driving, bitch. Cuts people off on the roads, cause accidents only able to be paid for by her husbands income. High up on the school PTA, try to censor anything and everything. Fucked over all of American society.
    They are also great targets for a variety of weapons.

    Soccer mom meaning & definition 4 of Soccer mom.

  • 30-50 year old white female, middle to upper class who drives an SUV/Minivan, thinks the world revolves around her perfect-angel children. She lives the good life only because her husband is the success. She harbors feelings of inadequacy, and secretly (although she wont admit it) wants to be fucked by black men.

    Soccer mom meaning & definition 5 of Soccer mom.

  • One of those moms you see in game stores who freaks the fuck out at managers for polluting th minds of our youth. The soccer mom(read: [bitch] will commonly cut you off in traffic without warning, and then honk rapidly. On the back of her blue minivan/SUV there is ALWAYS a stupid generic soccer ball sticker. There are also about 2 to 3 stickers saying my little fucker is an honor roll student at _____ Middle School.

    Soccer mom meaning & definition 6 of Soccer mom.

  • Suburban mother with 2.3 kids with hollow disciplines and automaton husbands with slowly diminishing spirits. Typically Caucasian. Their cabals are usually averted to music unfamiliar to that of their youth.
    Soccer moms are mostly responsible for the gaggle of kid safe laws ranging from stop signs every two feet to inundating TV and video game ratings to the manufacture of the V chip. They aspire to the halls of Congress and the floor of the Senate to champion causes in the name of their families at the cost of casual freedoms.
    They are reclusive, passive agressive, morally ambiguous and secretive. One should be wary of traveling through a soccer moms natural habitat as your presence will be secretly alerted to by the authorities under vague and even false suspicions.
    They also reside in urban and metropolitan areas.

    Soccer mom meaning & definition 7 of Soccer mom.

  • A Soccer Mom is a dumb, ignorant, upper middle class cunt who tries to give the impression that she is from the upper class. The main identifications of Soccer Moms are a huge coffee, those stupid short jackets that are meant for chicks in their 20s, an attitude of entitlement and bitchness, and an SUV that rivals the fuel consumption and handling of a tank.
    Other characteristics include a huge butt shoehorned into jeans meant for slim chicks in their 20s, rampant materialism, probably racist, some type of hardcore conservative. This is basically a grown up version of the college slut who was a general bitch to everyone.
    Her children are known as Mindy and Biff. Mindy is the dumb airheaded slut who has the same attitude of entitlement. Mindy is usually dressed up in tight pants that cause butt suffocation, and some kind of tank-top. Biff is the wannabe tough guy frat boy who is probably racist, spits everywhere, and has a chip on his shoulder. Eventually, another type of Mindy meets another type of Biff and the cycle continues.
    Soccer moms can be seen speeding up the apocalypse by encouraging armed conflict in a world where the vast majority of nations have nuclear weapons, yelling at people to get their way, glaring at me because I look like an Arab, so I must be trying to take over the world or something, hating minorities, drinking coffee, and being a general pain in the ass.

    Soccer mom meaning & definition 8 of Soccer mom.

  • A woman who refuses to believe that anything that is not white christian middle-upper class is evil. Political correctness and purification of youth is the prime goal of this group. These dress and act like we are 20 even though we all know we are double that age sufferers are often found destroying the sacred enviornment in their oversized SUVs driving in an unsafe fashion, often times with cell phones in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other.

    Soccer mom meaning & definition 9 of Soccer mom.

  • a mother who spends a lot of time taking her children to activities such as music classes, sports, etc. It is often used to refer to a type of middle-class mother.

    Soccer mom meaning & definition 10 of Soccer mom.

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