• A woman that sleeps with everyone but YOU!!!!!
    SEE: SLUT - A woman that sleeps with everyone.

    Whore meaning & definition 1 of Whore.

  • Someone who does something excessively.

    Whore meaning & definition 2 of Whore.

  • A woman who sleeps with you for something in exchange, usually money.

    Whore meaning & definition 3 of Whore.

  • Minor annoyance. Youre not really mad at them, but sitll kinda pissed.

    Whore meaning & definition 4 of Whore.

  • someone who has sex with a lot of people, usually very friviously

    Whore meaning & definition 5 of Whore.

  • (1) A term used by people who sleep around to insult someone who doesnt; as for an act of jealousy.
    (2) A woman who is paid for sexual services.

    Whore meaning & definition 6 of Whore.

  • something you yell at the girl who you know looks better than you do wearing the same dress. oh yeah, she just slept with your boyfriend and your brother.

    Whore meaning & definition 7 of Whore.

  • More than half of [myspace]s inhabitants.

    Whore meaning & definition 8 of Whore.

  • Noun.

    A woman who has sex with numerous partners. The word is usually used in a negative mannery as to imply the woman is figuratively dirty.

    To do something excessively, usually in a First Person Shooter game on a Computer. When used in context to excessively using a weapon (Like CSs AWP. Not to rat on this weapon.), it implies that the person relies upon that weapon and they would not be so tough without it. However, in many cases, bad strategy can be blamed for the victims death, not whoring.

    Whore meaning & definition 9 of Whore.

  • A slut with good business sense and financial responsibility.

    Whore meaning & definition 10 of Whore.

  • A prostitute.

    Whore meaning & definition 11 of Whore.

  • A girl or guy who [sleeps] with multiple people. Were using the word to describe guys too if it [fits] them. Multiple means more than one. [Whores] will make up a weird definition of multiple.

    Whore meaning & definition 12 of Whore.

  • A) A man/woman that lacks self worth, and reduces themselves to the lowest possible level in order to attain [social acceptance] in the hopes that they will attract attention.

    B) A female that collects [fees] for sexual [favours]

    Whore meaning & definition 13 of Whore.

  • A woman very willing to participate in sexual acts including but not limited to: [making sex], sending [nudes], accepting money for sex, ect. Generally insecure and lacking [self respect] and morals.

    Whore meaning & definition 14 of Whore.

  • a female prostitute

    Whore meaning & definition 15 of Whore.

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