• A country in southeast asia with a strong patriotic principle that flows through everything here, from the big corporations to the [7/11] stores.
    Although racially and religiously diverse, Indonesians have a high tolerance towards it and almost all live peacefully in co-existance. Foreigners are treated with the best hospitality an individual Indonesian can offer (they stare at you at first, but if you smile they would smile back).
    A recurring gag that happens in [Indonesian culture] is the overall hatred of our northern neighbor, [Malaysia]. Although our countries are almost the same, we have been involved in one [diplomatic] spat to another, mostly on their part. Threats of invasion has come across many times starting from the 1960s the most recent is when [malaysia] claimed some of [Indonesias] cultural items as theyre own. It is however, in my opinion, very far fetched and often unrealistic.
    Contrary to popular belief, most of Indonesias terrorism [comes] from neighboring Malaysia, there has not been a terrorist leader in [Indonesia] who is Indonesian. So if you want to blame anyone, go blame Malaysia.
    The country however is rampant with corruption, it has improved, but is still common throughout all levels of government. Promises of death penalties are often made but never kept, usually they claim is cause by religious reasons.
    Overall thats Indonesia for you, if you want Truly Asia go to Indonesia. Trust me, Malaysia is pretty much bullshit when it comes to culture.

    Indonesian culture meaning & definition 1 of Indonesian culture.

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