Retardation refers to a delay or slowing down in development, progress, or growth. It can be used to describe various contexts, such as physical, intellectual, or emotional development. In music, retardation refers to the prolonging of certain tones in a chord progression, causing a delay before moving to the next chord.

Best posts made by Tina
RE: Retardation
Unlawful sexual intercourse on the part of an
unmarried person; the act of such illicit sexual intercourse between a
man and a woman as does not by law amount to adultery. -
RE: Ooze
A fluid emmited from a cheese like substance commonly found inside the genetalia of a unhygenic or disgusting person. it could also be used as a referance to any other disgusting fluid.
(v.) To exhale depressedly.
(n.) The sound of above. 2. The sound of people having sex. -
grool = girl drool. Grool is not squirting. It is the lube that women produce when they are sexually aroused. Some girls have clear grool and some girls have creamy grool.
RE: Primal
Primal refers to something that is original, primary, or first in order of time or development. It can also refer to something that is fundamental, basic, or instinctual. For example, primal instincts are inborn behaviors that are essential to the survival of a species.