• To make legitimate, lawful, or valid; esp., to put in theposition or state of a legitimate person before the law, by legalmeans; as, to legitimate a bastard child.To enact a statute of that which he dares not seem to approve, evento legitimate vice. Milton.

    Legitimate meaning & definition 1 of Legitimate.

  • -adj

    Lawfully correct, legal.

    Justified, not un-called for

    Something very, very true

    used to describe something in the utmost of truthiness or maybe something SO FRIKKIN DAMN AWESOME , see [sick],[sweet], [telk], or [godly]

    also see [legit]

    Legitimate meaning & definition 2 of Legitimate.

  • Form of sarcasm

    If something that happens is extremely unlikely you say it is legitimate or extra legitimate often followed by a hand signal normally used to express the word ok

    Legitimate meaning & definition 3 of Legitimate.

  • born in wedlock

    Legitimate meaning & definition 4 of Legitimate.

    1. fair (for you); something that [you won]

    (like a game of [cards] might be [legitimate] for you but not for another person)

    Legitimate meaning & definition 5 of Legitimate.

  • Conforming to the law or to rules.

    Legitimate meaning & definition 6 of Legitimate.

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