• A public officer who is invested with authority to hear anddetermine litigated causes, and to administer justice between partiesin courts held for that purpose.The parts of a judge in hearing are four: to direct the evidence; tomoderate length, repetition, or impertinency of speech; torecapitulate, select, and collate the material points of that whichhath been said; and to give the rule or sentence. Bacon.

    Judge meaning & definition 1 of Judge.

  • to quickly form a bias and/or personal opinion about someone or something

    Judge meaning & definition 2 of Judge.

  • Moderator of a dispute fought in a courtroom.
    Can also give out punishments.

    Ruler of a certain RuneScape fansite's Judgements, mostly in Chat.

    Judge meaning & definition 3 of Judge.

  • To derive unwanted amusement from observing the actions of another.
    Compare schadenfreude.

    Judge meaning & definition 4 of Judge.

  • To judge is to make a personal opinion about someone ,notice there's a difference between prejudge and judge meaning to judge you have your reasons because you've observed this person or have talked to this person for you to personally make a decision on what this person is or about. If you talk to someone and their telling how they robbed people, of course you're going to judge them as a theif or even if there lying about their still dishonest so now you have reason to judge them. The bible says Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged and the bible also says in the last days people will be haughty, disobeident to parents, brutal and so on and warn believers to stay away from these people but in order for you to know these characteristics you have to judge them after them after the fact, so that's a contradiction.. But don't fall into the trap of being prejudice because that's just plain stupid, just because a person dreisses and looks like Lil Wayne doesn't mean he's father isn't a big time judge when you falsely arrest him crooked officer. Just because a person is clumsy doesn't mean they have a low iq, just because a person is a stripper doesn't mean they don't have a heart of gold.. But prejudice isn't a good thing and it hurts people feeling and someone will always prejudge you the same way. If a person fucks your girlfriend would you still not judge and forgive him. He's a scumbag and that's it. read people, test them, weigh your facts and make a decision.

    Judge meaning & definition 5 of Judge.

  • Some that judges you on everything you do. Good or not it is always corrected by the judge.

    They usually share their knowledge with the world.

    Judge meaning & definition 6 of Judge.

  • Someone who butts their nose where is doesn't belong and judges someone or something. Someone who needs to realize their own flaws instead of judging others.

    Judge meaning & definition 7 of Judge.

  • The unmerciful uncivilized unfair pieces of shit they hire in the so-called judicial

    Judge meaning & definition 8 of Judge.

  • A pompous old fart who sits in a high chair and dishes out sentences like there's no tomorrow. The idea is to beg for your life otherwise the judge will give you a harsher penalty. Usually this proves useless and the judge screws you over anyway.

    Judge meaning & definition 9 of Judge.

  • adj. -Overly supercilious; overly strict

    noun -War criminal

    noun -Nazi

    noun -Slave master; chain runner

    noun -Prison Warden

    Judge meaning & definition 10 of Judge.

  • a sick ass revolver that shoots .[45s] and [410] shot shells for the instant close combat kill. shot spreads instantly out of the short, [rifled] chamber, not leaving your enemy a chance.

    Judge meaning & definition 11 of Judge.

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