see Dubya
Chimp meaning & definition 1 of Chimp.
A chimpanzee.
Chimp meaning & definition 2 of Chimp.
To review an image on the LCD screen of a digital camera after taking a photograph. In common usage among press photographers. The act was dubbed chimping after photographers were caught making monkey-like noises when they reviewed a good shot in their cameras.
Chimp meaning & definition 3 of Chimp.
a black person.
Chimp meaning & definition 4 of Chimp.
Somebody whos freakin out and needs to chill. Can be used as a verb, noun or adjective.
Chimp meaning & definition 5 of Chimp.
Performing low quality work very quickly. Based on the fact that the entire chimpanzee sex act, from erection to ejaculation is typically less than 3 seconds. The term is currently very common among frumdebars.
Chimp meaning & definition 6 of Chimp.
To lose all human control and revert back to ones simian roots. Usually resulting from seeing an attractive woman or, if you are a comic book fan, a mint copy of The Avengers #1.Chimp meaning & definition 7 of Chimp.
Can be used as either a noun or a verb. As a noun, chimp describes someone who departs from a public house or club early to return to ones domicile. This could be for a variety of reasons: too [ripped up] to continue drinking, being ejected by bouncers (a corollary of being ripped) or being under the thumb. The verbal form is used to describe this act of baling out early: thus to chimp out.
Chimp meaning & definition 8 of Chimp.
Infantile or mischeivous individual. A person with a childlike sense of humour.
Chimp meaning & definition 9 of Chimp.
Describing a repulsive smelly creature, born of the human species, but acting as though he were a [primate]. Nappy dark hair, gross teeth, small red haired mating parter. Often attempts to [read books], posters, and magazines, always failing. Communicates by making a series of noises like, ooo ahhh [ehhh] ahhh ooo. Smells like an asshole.
Chimp meaning & definition 10 of Chimp.