Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
An african ape (Anthropithecus troglodytes or Troglodytesniger) which approaches more nearly to man, in most respects, thanany other ape. When full grown, it is from three to four feet high.
Chimpanzee meaning & definition 1 of Chimpanzee.
A smart hairy little bugger who knows the true meaning of life.
Chimpanzee meaning & definition 2 of Chimpanzee.
A common name for two aniamal species in the genus Pan. An animal that is very closely related to human beings.
A human being that looks, acts, or thinks like a chimpanzee.
See also, [Bush, George W.]
Chimpanzee meaning & definition 3 of Chimpanzee.
intransitive verb,a violent unprovoked response,to go all out ape shit on someone for no reason...
Chimpanzee meaning & definition 4 of Chimpanzee.
Chimpanzee, often shortened to [chimp], is the common name for the two extant species in the genus Pan. The better known chimpanzee is Pan troglodytes, the Common Chimpanzee, living primarily in West, and [Central Africa]. Its cousin, the [Bonobo] or Pygmy
Chimpanzee meaning & definition 5 of Chimpanzee.
see [Jiten].
Chimpanzee meaning & definition 6 of Chimpanzee.
A highly intelligent species of ape found throughout Africa. Chimpanzees are known for their ability to outsmart humans and advanced mathematical skills. They are also outstanding architects and engineers. Chimpanzees were largely responsible for designing the rocket that took Neil Armstrong to the moon in 1969. The term 'chimp' is a derogatory term for chimpanzees that is commonly used by specicists.
Chimpanzee meaning & definition 7 of Chimpanzee.
An ugly-ass mother fucker. Someone whose face is extremely janked and actually looks like a monkey.
Chimpanzee meaning & definition 8 of Chimpanzee.
A great ape with large ears, mainly black coloration, and lighter skin on the face, native to the forests of west and central Africa. Chimpanzees show advanced behaviour such as the making and using of tools.
Chimpanzee meaning & definition 9 of Chimpanzee.
a small, very intelligent African ape with black or brown fur
Chimpanzee meaning & definition 10 of Chimpanzee.