• Making a beat without recoil; giving indications by a singlebeat or excursion; -- said of galvanometers and other instruments inwhich the needle or index moves to the extent of its deflection andstops with little or no further oscillation. Deadbeat escapement. Seeunder Escapement.

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 1 of Deadbeat.

    1. A person unable to pay his bills

    2. Someone of low financial standing

    3. An undesirable target for a sales pitch

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 2 of Deadbeat.

  • A non-contributing adult.

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 3 of Deadbeat.

  • Someone who doesn't pay their bills, screws up their credit, and then blames everyone else for their problems.

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 4 of Deadbeat.

  • usually describes a father who dosent pay his child support
    also can describe a low class male , a broke male, cheap ass foodstamp collector, a inferior male

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 5 of Deadbeat.

  • A deadbeat is a person over the age of 18 with no direction, no job, no ambition. taking a shower daily is a huge accomplishment! A deadbeat doesnt

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 6 of Deadbeat.

  • Mothers who dont think their children are important enough to pay child support after trying to take the Father for every thing he's worth.

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 7 of Deadbeat.

  • any person who is financially irresponsible and tries as much as they can to get something for nothing. This person will do anything to avoid hard work. They will often try and manipulate others into giving them money, because they are too damned lazy to work for a living.

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 8 of Deadbeat.

  • A guy who sits at home pretending to work but really only chats in IRC and plays video games.

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 9 of Deadbeat.

  • A biological parent who willfully opts not to be an active participant in caring for their child, though oftentimes expresses negative emotions and/or words to the active parent or even the child for allowing a relative or the child’s step-parent to actively parent that child in their intentional absence. Although the biological parent may provide child support funds, they are typically insufficient; most often court-mandated; and [retrieved] through involuntary, automatic garnishments. An individual that fits this description, more oftentimes than not, has [fathered] or birthed multiple children by multiple individuals and, generally, neglect all said children at some point during or all of their [adolescence]...though expect that they themselves will be afforded the benefit of receiving those neglected children’s [love and respect] as if they earned the designation of mother or father when their flawed version of parenting is convenient for them. In summation, an individual who views himself or herself as the most important person in their life, who has [opted] to utilize the other parent to fulfill their own obsession with [procreation] without regard for the other parent’s or the child’s well-being at any point from the time of conception through the end of their own life.

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 10 of Deadbeat.

  • A baby daddy that does not spend his time being a father. One who would rather do drugs and hang out with [underage girls], than spend time with his daughter.
    They very often dont pay [child support], and instead buy [drugs and alcohol].

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 11 of Deadbeat.

  • An idle, feckless, or disreputable person.

    Deadbeat meaning & definition 12 of Deadbeat.

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