• The language spoken among themselves by the gypsies.

    Romany meaning & definition 1 of Romany.

  • The correct word to use when referring to the ethnicity commonly called gypsy. Romany comes from the Romany word rom which means man or person. The Romany originally came from [Rajasthan] in India and started their [diaspora] to Western Europe and further afield after the downfall of the [Byzantine] empire in the 13th century AD. One of the closest languages related to Romany is Hindi.

    Romany meaning & definition 2 of Romany.

  • [A sweet] short [eclectic] girl with [an awesome] sense of fashion and music who is very loving

    Romany meaning & definition 3 of Romany.

  • The most gougeous,beautiful,caring person ever she loves [horses] but she never [lets] people get her down keep doing what you are doing and [stay strong] 😍😍

    Romany meaning & definition 4 of Romany.

  • A short haired, funny , cute , amazing , loving , caring , beautiful , pretty, angelic girl who will make you laugh and smile when you feel your worst. She’s the sweetest person you’ll ever meet. Romany has a dark side though. Don’t mess with her . Shes a fun loving . [free spirited] girl . Her sense of humour will brighten up your day and keep you happy forever . SHES an amazing friend so do not mess with her. She has a particular sense of style . Her purple glasses . her lovely [headband] collection. and her [beaming] smile.

    Romany meaning & definition 5 of Romany.

  • [A dumbass] with a [mowhawk]

    Romany meaning & definition 6 of Romany.

  • a [nice girl] who is [sporty] and has [gingerish] hair. she is one of the nicest people you can meet on this planet. one of her main features are her eyebrows

    Romany meaning & definition 7 of Romany.

  • a gypsy , or the language of the gypsy people

    Romany meaning & definition 8 of Romany.

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