• The act of recording or writing in a register;
    enrollment; registration.

    Registry meaning & definition 1 of Registry.

  • This is a database used by Microsoft Windows to store configuration information about the software installed on a computer. This information includes things like the desktop background, program settings, and file extension associations.

    The Windows registry consists of the following six parts:

    When you install a program, it will usually write some data to the computers registry. If you want to manually edit the registry for some reason, you can use the regedit.exe program, which comes with the Windows operating system. However, you should not edit the registry if you dont know what youre doing because it could disable your computer.

    Registry meaning & definition 2 of Registry.

  • Some part of your computer that does nothing but cause problem. Computer [crashing]? Probably has something to do with the [registry]. Unfortunately enough your average computer-user has [no idea] that the registry even exists.

    Registry meaning & definition 3 of Registry.

  • Something in your computer that you should [delete] if an [IIS] [reset] does not work.

    Registry meaning & definition 4 of Registry.

  • A place where registers or records are kept.

    Registry meaning & definition 5 of Registry.

  • The Windows Registry is a database of settings used by Microsoft Windows. It stores configurations for hardware devices, installed applications, and the Windows operating system. The Registry provides a centralized method of storing custom preferences for each Windows user, rather than storing them as individual .INI files.
    The Windows Registry is structured as a hierarchy that has several top-level categories, also known as hives. Each begins with HKEY, short for Handle to Registry Key. Some versions of Windows have as many as seven top-level categories, while Windows 10 has five. These include:
    The Windows operating system and installed programs can modify the Registry directly. For example, changing the default program for a specific file extension will update the Registry automatically. Therefore, it is typically not necessary to edit the Windows Registry. However, power users may wish to view and manually override some Registry settings. Windows provides a Registry Editor utility (regedit.exe) for viewing and editing Registry data. This utility can also import settings and export existing configurations.
    NOTE: You should not edit the Windows Registry unless you understand what you are doing. Incorrect Registry settings may cause problems with installed applications or the operating system itself.
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    Mouse settings stored in the Windows Registry
    File association settings for the .JPG file extension

    Registry meaning & definition 6 of Registry.

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