• Feminism is a political, social, and cultural movement that aims at equal rights for women. Its beginnings and extreme controversy in a (Western) patriarchal society has created stigma and stereotypes associated with the definition. Some include that feminists are:
    -man haters
    -hairy-legged bitches
    Feminism helped women get the vote, obtain equal rights for jobs, made laws to control domestic violence, help women obtain the rights to own property, to divorce, to have access to birth control and to have possession of their own bodies.
    Feminism is still needed in todays society. One can see this through the other versions of this definition.
    Man = Woman, no more, no less. Women were, and in social aspects, still are, treated as inferior.
    Sexism began as early as Aristotle, who claimed that women were imperfect men since they did not contain a penis on their persons.
    To be superior, one must make something inferior. I am sure this definition will get many thumbs down, but it is the truth.
    I am a wo-man and I am a feminist.

    Feminism meaning & definition 3 of Feminism.

  • the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes*.
    *merriam-webster dictionary

    Feminism meaning & definition 4 of Feminism.

  • The biggest disgrace to my gender.
    Feminism used to be about women getting the same rights as men, such as the right to vote and equal pay at work.
    Now feminism is a movement full of women who seem to think that their ability to push a baby out of their vagina entitles them to bigger and better everything.

    Feminism meaning & definition 5 of Feminism.

  • First of all i want to say that most of the entries on feminism are disrespectful and infuriating. The arguement that feminism states that women are better than men was created and is sustained by insecure men who are afraid of patriarchy tumbling down on their priveledged ignorant heads. WAKE UP people and look around you. all those examples of brain size, decreased male entry into college, etc are just excuses to either degrade women or only superficially examine the issues of gender equality.
    1.)respecting people of all genders (recognizing the diversity in sexuality, from homosexuals, transgendered, heterosexuals and transexuals) as human beings that deserve to be treated with respect.
    2.) recognizing the past inequalities that have historically denied women access to many social, economic and political spheres that are mostly occupied by men.
    3.)Recognizing the result of these inequalities have lasting impacts today

    Feminism meaning & definition 6 of Feminism.

  • an ideology that focuses on woman being treated as equals to men. There is no sexism in this concept- because we live in a patriarchal society, males are automatically given a superior position. calling feminism sexist is also ignoring centuries of history where men have oppressed women.
    a common misconception about feminism is that one is supporting womans equality but opposing mans. This is not true. Supporting something like gay rights doesnt mean youre against a straight persons rights, and the same goes for feminism in terms of equality between the sexes.

    Feminism meaning & definition 7 of Feminism.

  • Way for absolutely ANY girl (be it teacher, [classmate], boss, co-worker, hell even the girl who works the late shift at burger king) to give you selfrighteous bullshit for a full halfhour about rights and discrimination when youve never done anything to a girl in your life and half the shit shes talking about never even concerned her and happened before you were even born. This generaly results in everyone within [earshot] to look down on you when 97% of the time you didnt even say anything wrong.
    Many people are victims of this everyday but can do nothing because the moral highground has been stolen by whichever women pulled [feminism] on you.

    Feminism meaning & definition 8 of Feminism.

  • Political and cultural movement aimed at gaining [equal rights]

    Feminism meaning & definition 9 of Feminism.

  • A very [cleverly] rebranded form of [sexism] that specifically looks out for the interests in women alone.
    It is for the above reason that such a movement is a [hypocrisy] and should not recieve government funding. FACT.

    Feminism meaning & definition 10 of Feminism.

  • a really [bad idea]. It was created as a way for women to be EQUAL to men but instead it was used as a means to create [sexism] against males. not very equal if u [think about it]

    Feminism meaning & definition 11 of Feminism.

  • A relentless political advocacy group pushing for special privileges for women, which pretends to be a social movement advocating equal rights for the genders. Because women have already achieved more than equal rights, a modern feminist is either an ignoramus or a liar. Current feminist dogma is based either on lies, or on emotional appeals. Shaming tactics are used to defend their position and to silence opposition. The central tenant of feminism is a belief in the patriarchy, which is in a giant [amorphous] conspiracy in which men conspire to oppress women. Because patriarchy can be used to explain everything, and there is no event which could possibly take place to disprove its existence, patriarchy theory is on the same level of intellectual honesty as astrology and [homeopathy].
    Accomplishments of Feminism:
    -- [Rewriting history] to make people think that feminism earned women the right to vote and to work outside the home. [What really happened] was that technological advances made it possible for the first time in human history for women to be financially independent. When this happened, women asked for equal rights, and men gave it to them.
    -- Making men and women hate each other.
    -- Turning women in the US, UK, and some other western countries into vicious, useless, self-entitled cunts.
    -- Destroying mens dignity, and in some cases their rights.

    Feminism meaning & definition 12 of Feminism.

  • The advocacy of women

    Feminism meaning & definition 13 of Feminism.

  • [The radical] [notion] that women should be treated like oversized children and that men are [sub-human].

    Feminism meaning & definition 14 of Feminism.

  • That [untenable] ideology propogating the somewhat novel [untruth] that [feminists] are women.

    Feminism meaning & definition 15 of Feminism.

  • [Males], see: [penis envy]

    Females, see: [batshit insane]

    Feminism meaning & definition 16 of Feminism.

  • The movement which seeks to place women above men and [trample] men into the dirt. Feminists will tell you that their aim is to bring about equality, but equality [ceased] to be the aim of feminism years ago. Women are now (and have been for at least [5-10] years) given exactly the same treatment in every area of life as men. Women / Feminists now wish to take over -- far from equality.

    Feminism meaning & definition 17 of Feminism.

  • Judging by what it does feminism is a movement that seeks superior rights and privileges for women while hiding under the guise of equality
    Feminists tend to claim that their movement is about equality and often use the dictionary definition as proof. But the thing is that what the dictionary says and what feminism does are two completely different things. [Actions speak louder than words], therefore feminism should be judge by what it does instead of by what the book says. And through its actions the [feminist movement] has constantly shows that it isnt about equality, but is actually about female supremacy and misandry - skewed the system in womens favor, seeking superior rights

    Feminism meaning & definition 18 of Feminism.

  • A [bastardized] [corruption] of the word [Favoritism].

    Feminism meaning & definition 19 of Feminism.

  • I am a nice guy and always respect whemen yet they always choose chad who has a 12 inch pp and is so jacked he looks like he might pop if you stick a pin in him. I don't understand why whemen don't love me back since im such a nice guy. Feminism has done nothing for us nice guys as now whemen choose big pp over a nice guy like me who doesn't look as good. Without feminism farthers would decide on their daughter's husband so nice guys like me would have a chance but now since whemen choose Chad over guys like me the future generation will be seriously messed up and only lust after guys with good looks and not nice guys. We men may aswell resort to kidnapping to keep future generations nice or become gay since no whemen DONT LIKE A NICE GUY LIKE ME. 😠 >:((((((

    Feminism meaning & definition 20 of Feminism.

  • What women who cant [get laid] [turn to] when [lesbians] dont want to be around them, either.

    Feminism meaning & definition 21 of Feminism.

  • A [pitiful] reason for [fat chicks] to [get on] TV.

    Feminism meaning & definition 22 of Feminism.

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