• What women who cant [get laid] [turn to] when [lesbians] dont want to be around them, either.

    Feminism meaning & definition 21 of Feminism.

  • A [pitiful] reason for [fat chicks] to [get on] TV.

    Feminism meaning & definition 22 of Feminism.

  • A spent force. It [coulda] been a [contender], but it was so blinded by its own arrogance that, given enough rope to hang itself, it [duly] did so.

    Feminism meaning & definition 23 of Feminism.

  • The worship of self. If you are a woman. Especially if you are a [deadbeat] weight to society. Everything is [secondary] to feminism, including family, god, [morality], and reality.

    Feminism meaning & definition 24 of Feminism.

  • What women who cant [get laid] [turn to] when [lesbians] dont want to be around them, either.

    Feminism meaning & definition 25 of Feminism.

  • The worship of self. If you are a woman. Especially if you are a [deadbeat] weight to society. Everything is [secondary] to feminism, including family, god, [morality], and reality.

    Feminism meaning & definition 26 of Feminism.

  • A spent force. It [coulda] been a [contender], but it was so blinded by its own arrogance that, given enough rope to hang itself, it [duly] did so.

    Feminism meaning & definition 27 of Feminism.

  • Used to be all about getting women the rights that every man had, like voting, and driving and now, its [backfired] like all holy hell.
    Rather than being about equality between the sexes, it is all about what [concessions] can we get women so that way men have to go out of their way to treat them different, rather than equals.
    Now it is equal to [Nazism] in its zealous pursuit to destroy all that is manly such as lumberjacks and beef jerky by making them politically correct, such as lumberperson and cured beef.

    Feminism meaning & definition 28 of Feminism.

  • By definition, a person who believes in the fundamental equality between the sexes, with a focus upon womens issues such as equal pay or stereotyping.
    However, those who call themselves feminists rarely abide by the dictionary term. A more appropriate term for the feminist of today is female [chauvinist], one who believes the female sex is naturally superior to the male sex.
    Those that call themselves feminist typically subscribe to second-wave feminism, which evolved in the 1970s from the earlier, first-wave feminism. Whereas first-wave feminism sought legislation that would grant equal protection under the law, second-wave feminism sought an overthrow of what they called patriarchy, which included traditional families and capitalism.
    Contrary to many feminist claims, feminism is not a belief that is exclusive to women. Some feminists object to men referring to themselves as feminist, and use the term pro-feminist instead. A man who believes in equal protection under the law can be classified as feminist by definition.
    Feminists and feminist organizations tend to campaign for issues they [percieve] as important to women, such as abortion rights (most feminists are pro-choice), domestic violence, LGBT rights, and similar issues. Feminism is often criticized for a [unilateral] approach to their issues, focusing only on increasing the rights of women, even to the point of denying the rights of men, underscoring the importance of those issues in relation to men (such as [Dr. Laura] stating that men had more to fear from violence then women, as they were attacked more often, and being subsequently villified by feminists.)
    Feminism has garnered much criticism for its methods and statistics, and has been accused of violating its own edicts. Among parents, mothers are more likely to murder their children then their fathers according to the FBI, yet feminist organizations push that single-parenthood, with maternal custody, is in the best interests of the child. Alternatively, feminist organizations equate any time a rape or domestic violence (female) victim is required to present evidence to prove her claims as blaming the victim. Feminist organizations want to apply the [precautionary principle], accepting the allegation at face value to protect the victim. Critics counter by stating victims can provide evidence to the courts, and that precautionary principles without [checks and balances] allow women to exploit the legal system for profit.
    Backlash further against feminism can also be found in statements that are [misandrist], or hatred of males. Valerie Solonas is one of the most popular, having written a book about [killing men]. Mary [Daly], a [theologian] who was fired for refusing to admit a male student who was otherwise qualified for her class, also advocated creating a male-free paradise. Other misandrists include Robin Morgan, Andrea [Dworkin], Gloria [Allred], and Catherine [MacKinnon].

    Feminism meaning & definition 29 of Feminism.

  • [The worst] type of [cancer] on this entire [planet].

    Feminism meaning & definition 30 of Feminism.

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