Hoisted as high as the tackle will admit; brought closetogether, as the two blocks of a tackle in hoisting.
Chockablock meaning & definition 1 of Chockablock.
Full or overcrowded. Also abbreviated to chockers
Chockablock meaning & definition 2 of Chockablock.
An islander from the Pacific Island. Generally twice the weight and size of a normal human being, but at the same age.
Chockablock meaning & definition 3 of Chockablock.
-When you say a guy is not [suited] to your liking by physical [characteristics] but end up being rejected by a guy you like with similar characteristics..
-When a [big black] dick steals your girl.Chockablock meaning & definition 4 of Chockablock.
Crammed full of people or things.
Chockablock meaning & definition 5 of Chockablock.