• Originating from the movie Fight Club, Tyler is used to describe one who is extremely sexy and bad ass.

    Tyler meaning & definition 1 of Tyler.

  • A tyler is a person whos is always popular. There are usually to kinds of tyler. A popular, athletic and hot one. Then a loner, stoner, goth one. All the girls love him and they teachers love him too. He always gets the class laughing. If your name is Tyler there is a really good chance that you have a big dick!

    Tyler meaning & definition 2 of Tyler.

  • Tall, and skinny. Has the most pretty eyes. Long, soft brown hair. And a great personality. Can often be found playing video games, or hanging with friends. Hes very touchy feely; loves hugs. He knows how to make someone smile. He can be REALLY stubborn. Isnt quite sure what he wants. He always seems to be confused. Hes loving, confused, caring, amazing. Awesome. Hes Tyler.

    Tyler meaning & definition 3 of Tyler.

  • A very very very, yet again, very sexy pancake.

    Tyler meaning & definition 4 of Tyler.

  • I guy that is sweet and loveable. He is a natural born leader and is always happy and energetic. He is cute and loves to make others happy. Tylers are tall, thin and strong. Tylers have a lot of people that enjoy being around them. They are funny and smart. Tylers are understanding and caring. They are the sweetest guys you will ever meet. Tylers know what they want and usually get it, not because they are spoiled or stuck-up, but because they have a great work ethic, personality and a desire to become the best. When Tylers love someone, they always think about them, and will do anything for that person. Tylers usually fall in love with people with the first inital; K, P and S. They will make excellent husbands and fathers.

    Tyler meaning & definition 5 of Tyler.

  • An amazingly sweet guy who will always stick up for what he thinks is right. Might not be the most popular, or the most cool, but he is one of the nicest people you will meet. Tylers are usually sarcastic a little bit of the time, and if they fall in love with you, they will do anything for you. They never cheat.Tylers usually stand up for their friends whenever, and wont let them down. Tylers usually become best friends with kids named Blake, Jackson, Christopher, and Josh.

    Tyler meaning & definition 6 of Tyler.

  • The hottest guy you will ever meet. EVER. He has brown hair and amazing brown eyes. He is tall and skinny, and he is somewhat clumsy and awkward at times. Hes a guy who you can always laugh and have a good time with. You can always talk to him about anything, at any hour of the day or night. He is incredibly sexy and has a huge dick 😉

    Tyler meaning & definition 7 of Tyler.

  • hottest kid youll ever meet.
    with the nicest body youll ever see.

    Tyler meaning & definition 8 of Tyler.

  • A truly amazing person inside and out. Hell always be there for you and would do anything for the girl he loves. Hes talented, funny, out-going, and loves being out-doors.

    Tyler meaning & definition 9 of Tyler.

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