• Someone who steals traits, language and/or fashion from another ethnic or social group in order to create their own identity.

    Culture vulture meaning & definition 1 of Culture vulture.

  • A scavenger, circling the media, looking for scraps of originality to add to their conceit. They sport eclectic styles and tastes, always recognisable as having been borrowed without adaption or refinement from elsewhere.

    Culture vulture meaning & definition 2 of Culture vulture.

  • A person who loves art, music, movies, and dance, and all forms of culture so much that they consume whatever they find, whether or not its any good. Like birds that scavenge by the roadside, culture-vultures feast on art wherever they find it. They will listen to Mozart in the concert hall or the punk in a club; their clothes are as likely to come from the thrift store as they are a boutique shop; they have Architecture Digest on the coffee table while they watch MTV Cribs. They consult the Oxford English Dictionary but double-check the Urban Dictionary. Culture vultures are especially good at talking about low art and culture with the same insight and intelligence as high art.

    Culture vulture meaning & definition 3 of Culture vulture.

  • A Culture Vulture is a practitioner of cultural appropriation. A Culture Vulture is an inauthentic individual who attempts to identify with aspects of another culture and claim it as their own. They do this by mimicking aspects of culture that belong to another group of people and not giving credit where credit is due, which creates the illusion that the aspect of culture they are mimicking is authentic to them. They also do this by claiming that certain aspects of another group of peoples culture originated with them, with no historical proof to back their claims.

    Culture vulture meaning & definition 4 of Culture vulture.

  • A toxic, negative team member or employee who thinks only about themselves and as a result theyre toxic to team success. A culture vulture thinks only about what the team can do for them, not what they can do for others. Like actual vultures, they rarely attack healthy team members but will attack the weak. Culture vultures will sabotage others to make their own accomplishments stand out. Their negativity kills everyones results.
    *Scientific Classification: Negativus Maximus

    Culture vulture meaning & definition 5 of Culture vulture.

  • A group, nation, or individual who tries to claim/steal or assimilate into a culture that is not of their own. Usually jealous, self-hating and feel they have to justify or prove themselves to others or the world. Feels resentful of the people that fought for them. Basically any [Mexican], [Polish] person or [Canadian]. Culture Vultures feel inadequate and feel the need to steal a culture or pretend they are cultured, because they have no culture of their own. (Some people would say Americans do not have a culture, however before WW2, they did. Americans indeed have a culture, as do Australians and New Zealanders. Even the more obscure [Basque] people of [Spain] have a culture of their own.)

    Culture vulture meaning & definition 6 of Culture vulture.

  • a notorious gang of Newport Beach kids ages 14-18, who usually fixie, or ride skateboards and be, what they callbadass, Most of these kids are pretty popular around there school (Corona del Mar High, and hang out with people who share the same interests.

    Culture vulture meaning & definition 7 of Culture vulture.

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