• Ableism is the discrimination or prejudice against people who have disabilities. Ableism can take the form of ideas and assumptions, stereotypes, attitudes and practices, physical barriers in the environment, or larger scale oppression. It is oftentimes unintentional and most people are completely unaware of the impact of their words or actions.

    Ableism meaning & definition 1 of Ableism.

  • A word used by retards, skinny fucks and lazy assholes in wheelchairs to describe the fact that theyll never be able to go toe-to-toe in a 1v1 basketball match with LeBron James or be on the Canadian curling team.

    Ableism meaning & definition 2 of Ableism.

  • Discrimination or prejudice directly aimed at able-bodied people precisely because they are able-bodied.

    Ableism meaning & definition 3 of Ableism.

  • unfair treatment of people because they have a disability (= an illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for them to do things that other people do) :

    Ableism meaning & definition 4 of Ableism.

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