• A traditional name for a very beautiful young lady. She is found in very rare numbers within the Canterbury region in Aoteroa. Sporting a beautiful tan and an amazing personality. Monique is a fantastic person to be around and in the company of.
    Only the luckiest guy ever gets to be in the presence of Monique.

    Monique meaning & definition 1 of Monique.

  • a really hot girl who is the best kind of girl for relationships. she IS a HUGE F-L-I-R-T, i mean she flirts with every known person on earth, man or woman, doesnt matter to her. but thats ok, because everyone still loves her to death. exceppt her haters, who noone really cares about.

    Monique meaning & definition 2 of Monique.

  • A girl who is random, goes crazy at times, and has naturally curly hair. Attractive to some, werid to others. Acts too tough and then can break down in rapid mood swings. But still, everyone loves her anyway.

    Monique meaning & definition 3 of Monique.

  • When someone is [sarcastic] and infuriating, yet you still love them to bits.

    Monique meaning & definition 4 of Monique.

  • n.) A person that is very true to herself. Tries to act mature but in the end can screw up because of a simple mistake or absent minded act. Very honest about most topics, unless it would hurt ones feelings if talked about to others. Can be somewhat bossy at times, and very self-conscious. Cares too much about those close to her, and cant stand betrayals. In general, doesnt want to feel left out, but will change for the people she loves. Very random, but tries to act sweet.

    Monique meaning & definition 5 of Monique.

  • Can be very verbal, overly defensive, and a real strict discliplinarian she can also be quiet, thoughtful, seductive and mysterious. Moniques are creative, intelligent and dislikes clutter, and loud obnoxious stuff others call music. To win this girl, honesty, and truth will get you on a higher ranking then lies and flattery. Dont expect this girl to be subserivant, treat her as an equal and dont try to control her. She will only put up with so much bull before she kicks you to the curb, and she wont care a bit about your bruised ego at that point.

    Monique meaning & definition 6 of Monique.

  • gorgeouse gurl my wifey

    Monique meaning & definition 7 of Monique.

  • Shes so amazing. Shes so sexy. She has the greatest eyes, and the most beautiful smile. Shes the best kisser, too. her personality is to die for. Shes one in a million.

    Monique meaning & definition 8 of Monique.

  • An AWESOME girl.

    you can describe some one that is awesome by saying their so monique. (=

    Monique meaning & definition 9 of Monique.

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