• The action of [cutting] different types of [wood] in order to make [archers] [equipment] such as [bows], [arrows] and [crossbows].

    Fletching meaning & definition 1 of Fletching.

  • After anal sex, the dominant male sucks up all semen and fecal matter from the anus, sloshes it around in his mouth and passes it back to the other person through a mouth-to-mouth kiss.

    Fletching meaning & definition 2 of Fletching.

  • Fletching can mean a man eating his own semen out of the anus of his male or female partner, or it can mean a man eating his own semen out of the vagina of his female partner.

    Fletching meaning & definition 3 of Fletching.

  • Falling asleep at our desk in just the correct upright position so that no one really knows youre taking a snooze on the clock.

    Fletching meaning & definition 4 of Fletching.

  • When a guy cums in a girl or guys asshole then licks out the cum and eats it!

    Fletching meaning & definition 5 of Fletching.

  • When you tie a string around a small rodent (usually a gerbil) and let it crawl around in your rectum. Usually performed by gay men.

    Fletching meaning & definition 6 of Fletching.

  • to tie a piece of bacon to a piece of string and invite your partener to swallow it. then rut them up the arse, holding onto the piece of string, at the moment of climax pull on the sring, causing your partener to gag and giving you an even tighter hole to bring you off. (probably for homo use only)

    Fletching meaning & definition 7 of Fletching.

  • To suck man paste out of the ass of some dirty girl, probabaly a gloucester bird.

    Fletching meaning & definition 8 of Fletching.

  • When an individual [throws] someone [under the bus] (aka [snitching])

    Fletching meaning & definition 9 of Fletching.

  • When your [a basic bitch] and you edit all your photos with angles, lighting, and [filters] to seem like your body is attractive when your actually [butt ass ugly].

    Fletching meaning & definition 10 of Fletching.

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