• Irish word for fun/enjoyment that has been brought into the English language. usu. when mixed with alcohol and/or music.
    Bhi craic agus ceol againn : We had fun and music.
    Fun doesnt really cut it though. General banter, good times had by all.
    Also, a person who is good fun/great company.

    Craic meaning & definition 1 of Craic.

  • Whats the crack? [Whats the craic?]
    Officialy: Whats the craic? Craic being an Irish language word for good times/ gossip/music/ drinking/ debauchery of any kind/ or good clean fun.
    Not specifically linked to crack of the crack-cocaine definition.
    If asked this question by an Irish person, you are expected to give a reply which includes information on how you are, what you are doing, where are you going, with whom are you going there, have you any interesting gossip one might like to hear about, and so on. It is a question to which there are many possible answers, and it is used with great frequency on the Emerald Isle.

    Craic meaning & definition 2 of Craic.

  • The Craic (Pronounced ‘crack’) – An Irish word with no direct translation in English. Means partying, enjoying the company of others, having a good time and a fair amount more.
    One elder statesman of the London Irish community advised us that Craic is an acronym as follows;
    Inis Scealta(Storytelling)

    Craic meaning & definition 3 of Craic.

  • the word craic has many, many meanings. it can be a description of a night out that was brilliant e.g. last night was great craic. Or if you say we were having the craic with those girls means that we were having a laugh and banter with those girls. one can also say how was the craic? to enquire was it good to which one answers the craic was 90 if it was good or it was no craic if it was not enjoyable

    Craic meaning & definition 4 of Craic.

  • enjoyable time spent with other people, especially when the conversation is entertaining and funny:

    Craic meaning & definition 5 of Craic.

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