• A term used by feminists, to blame men for all their problems.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 1 of Patriarchy.

  • The bogeyman that feminists blame for womens problems or under-achievements because their big-girl pants apparently dont fit.
    However Seeing as women are free to pursue any career they want, own any property they wish, attend any college they desire, are owning businesses and running corporations, actively involved in political power, engineering and science, are protected from discrimination by law and are openly praised for all this to cloying degree... We are NOT living in one and have not been for some time.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 2 of Patriarchy.

  • The deity of the 21st century liberal woman; it doesnt exist but they acknowledge its influence.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 3 of Patriarchy.

  • A non-existent entity used as a scapegoat by women, when there is no other individual to blame other than themselves (as if theyll own up to that).

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 4 of Patriarchy.

  • A rhetorical device which props up feminist ideology by making it easy to impose a state of collective guilt upon half the human race, namely the male half. Upon closer examination, we find that patriarchy as a concept is either A.) Coherent only when too narrowly defined to be broadly useful, or B.) INcoherent when it IS broadly enough defined to be broadly useful.
    Feminist ideologues promote the idea of patriarchy nonetheless, because they are banking upon the average persons lack of analytical discrimination -- rather like slipping a mind rape drug into the punchbowl of common discourse. You might wake up with a weird feeling, but you have no idea that youve been screwed.
    When radical feminists talk about patriarchy, it is actually a code word for Male Power of ANY sort whatsoever. So long as any man on earth has anything that could even vaguely be described as power (up to and especially the power of self-control), they wll say that patriarchy still exists, and that feminisms work is not finished. They want feminism to have a job for a good long time....

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 5 of Patriarchy.

  • [n.] A political and social system where money, property and status is passed along from father to son.
    Many third-wave feminists will claim one cannot use the dictionary definition of the word but rather its actions. This includes but is not limited to: marketing through use of sexualized womens bodies, the boys club mentality at workplaces, individual self esteem problems, creating a rape culture, valuing merit and production over feelings and emotional labor, chivalry, complimenting a woman without her consent, raising boys to control their emotions, etc.
    Ironically enough however, feminists will claim their movement cannot be judge by ITS actions, but rather by the dictionary definition.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 6 of Patriarchy.

  • Something that feminists have in their anus. Feminists see patriarchy everywhere when they have their heads shoved up their ass. Moment they pull their heads out, they notice patriarchy doesnt exist.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 7 of Patriarchy.

  • A worldwide societal conspiracy where men keep women downtrodden and subjugated which exists exclusively in the minds of female Liberal Arts majors who were abused as children by a male authority figure.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 8 of Patriarchy.

  • A complex system of gender politics which enforces strict and outdated norms and rules on our behavior and the way we interact with one another based on our gender. Patriarchy hurts men and women equally, as men are held to unreasonable standards such as the expectation that they must be strong, unemotional, aggressive, and hyper-heterosexual. Women are assumed to be weak, overly-emotional, maternal, and dependent. Any deviation from these norms causes the individual to be ostracized, but adherence causes adverse effects as well, such as the tendency of courts to see men as poor care takers, causing them to often receive unfair treatment in child custody cases, or the fact that men are less likely to report health issues and therefore have a shorter average lifespan than women, and are much more likely to commit suicide.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 9 of Patriarchy.

  • A form of social organization in which the men are the supreme authority and are allowed to make everything theirs.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 10 of Patriarchy.

  • [n.] A political and social system where money, property and status is passed along from father to son.
    Many third-wave feminists will claim one cannot use the dictionary definition of the word but rather its actions. This includes but is not limited to: marketing through use of sexualized womens bodies, the boys club mentality at workplaces, individual self esteem problems, creating a rape culture, valuing merit and production over feelings and emotional labor, chivalry, complimenting a woman without her consent, raising boys to control their emotions, etc.
    Ironically enough however, feminists will claim their movement cannot be judge by ITS actions, but rather by the dictionary definition.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 11 of Patriarchy.

  • A social system in which a father is the head of the family, property ownership and surname are traced through the male line, and men have legal or social authority over [women and children]. A family, community, or society based on this or a similar system, or [governed] by men to a degree [far out] of proportion to their numbers.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 12 of Patriarchy.

  • A system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 13 of Patriarchy.

  • A reactionary social system in which men are responsible in both the household and society for decision making and leadership, and also responsible for the protection and wellbeing of women and children. Essentially a division of tasks assigned according to the biological hardwiring of both sexes.
    [Postmodernism] has highlighted and [demonized] patriarchy’s hierarchal elementals, and made it to seem as though it is a system of oppressive dominance rather than a system of love and sacrifice. Postmodernism has erased patriarchy’s inherently good elements, such as the role it plays in [ennobling] men and ensuring that they have a strong sense of moral obligation.
    Another benefit of patriarchy is that it is rooted in the notion that duty is the [essence of manhood], and so women are treated with higher respect and are safer in the company of men than they are in egalitarian societies where they are seen as a man’s equal and men have no feeling of duty or social expectations for them to serve women or make sacrifices for them, seeing as women today are supposed to be perfectly capable of managing on their own.

    Patriarchy meaning & definition 14 of Patriarchy.

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