• dear husband

    Dh meaning & definition 1 of Dh.

  • On on-line discussion groups, abbreviation for dear hubby. Less common: dear husband, dearest h*, darling h*.
    Frequent users include [SAHM]s, [Christians]; any group with the right combination of insecurity, self-righteousness, and poor education.
    Often inexplicably used with an insult, usually [cutesy]: my DH is a nice man, but ugly as a shaved kitten. Tends to be near [emoticons], [LOL] and its various permutations, capitalisation-free text, and spelling errors.
    Also seen, possibly thanks to the irritation of being referred to as a DH, is XH -- ex-hubby.

    Dh meaning & definition 2 of Dh.

  • Dh meaning & definition 3 of Dh.

  • Dh means dumb hoe

    Dh meaning & definition 4 of Dh.

  • Short for Desperate Hoe. There are two definitions: (1) someone so desperate and needy that it warrants the name DH, and (2) someone so passively aggressive and jealous that throws so much shade at people being happy because he/she wants to be happy too.

    Dh meaning & definition 5 of Dh.

  • Dumb Hoe.

    Dh meaning & definition 6 of Dh.

  • DH, formally known as the Daily Haley, is a term used to express illogical mistakes resulting from Pinterest Brain. DH is not contagious, however, it does affect people closely involved.
    Tell Tale Symptoms of DH are as follows,

    Repeated mishaps of similar nature with same end result
    Inability to Learn in a structured environment
    An inexplicable love of fashion and patterns that often effects speech patterns
    Wearing scarves even in increasingly warm weather

    If you feel that you are suffering from DH, please continue to do nothing. Nothing can be done to mend this condition.

    Dh meaning & definition 7 of Dh.

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