• A favorite of Jeb Bushs daughter.

    Xanax meaning & definition 2 of Xanax.

  • A very potent benzodiazepine. Often referred to as a minor tranquilizer , it is really anything but. Typically prescribed for anxiety and panic disorder. Dependence ensues quickly even at therapeutic doses , resulting in what is considered to be one of the worst withdrawal syndromes by the medical community when abruptly discontinued.
    The relatively low dose , when compared to the other benzodiazepines , is actually quite deceptive. The general concensus on therapeutic doseage equivalency among benzodiazepines is as follows:
    .5mg xanax
    1 mg Ativan
    .5 mg klonopin
    10 mg diazepam , Valium
    25 mg. Librium , Chlordiazepoxide
    As you can see , 2mgs of xanax is really not a small dose at all. It is equal to 4 10mg valium! Despite the fact that most doctors would never prescribe that much Valium , patients are far too often put on corresponding doses of xanax , and unknowingly become extremely dependent on the drug.
    The benzodiazepines are habit forming. W/D can be quite serious ,is of the alcohol type , and can lead to seizures and death if not managed medically.

    Xanax meaning & definition 3 of Xanax.

  • Pretty dope [benzo]. It is mainly used as a anti-anxiety medication but its affects make it commonly abused. It will relax you and make you not care about the little things in life that stress you out, for example your house could be burning down, wife is cheating on you, and a bear is chewing on your leg and while on xanax you are at peace. You dont feel depressed or stressed and thus it allows you to sleep. Greatest sleep aid ever but continued use will get you dependent on it and the effects tend to be less dramatic as continued use rises. Think [Office Space]

    Xanax meaning & definition 4 of Xanax.

  • a safe medication when used under a psychiatrists care. i take it daily, and never feel any of the effects described in any of these entries.
    ive had a history of panic attacks since childhood, and this drug allows me to function at a high level - and basically do things normal people can do. without it i was a social recluse and could barely leave the house.
    im an alcoholic (sober) and you cannot compare .25 milligrams of this to whiskey. whiskey made me insane, this simple allows me to live and function.
    additive - yes! stop under a doctors care.

    Xanax meaning & definition 5 of Xanax.

  • often referred to as gods gift. basically, god got bored one day and decided to hook humans up with heaven on earth. im pretty positive thats how we got xanax.

    Xanax meaning & definition 6 of Xanax.

  • Another word for chill pill. If its said to you, watch out!

    Xanax meaning & definition 7 of Xanax.

  • A drug typically recommended or prescribed by therapists to treat anxiety issues. Its probably over prescribed and the professionals who do prescribe it seem to believe its pretty harmless and about as addictive as alcohol; sometimes referred to as a wonderdrug with effects similar to valium but without the repercussions. Of course, these professional opinions are questionable as many medical professionals are in the pockets of large drug companies and its hard to say which drugs, 20 years down the road, will be determined to be very harmful.
    Furthermore, there seem to be plenty of addiction/overdose horror stories regarding the drug. But, judging from personal experience, if you dont have an addictive personality (particularly with drugs), you probably wont think Xanax is anything special (I hardly notice the effects aside from occasional sleepiness, will take it rarely, and wont have any problems. With the high number of commonplace issues for which this drug is prescribed (stress, anxiety, menstrual issues and sleeping problems to name a few), this drug is pretty easy to attain through a doctor and more people than you might think have a prescription. This drug is basically as benign or as dangerous as the person who uses it.

    Xanax meaning & definition 8 of Xanax.

  • Xanax is mainly used for anxiety. Almost like a dirty word when brought up around a doctor. I dont quite get the hype of why everyone loves it and become insanely addicted to it. Just makes me really tired. Very easily obtained by and old aged doctor. My doctor is 72 and write 100 2mgs of xanax a month to me, and I didnt even ask for it. And all I said was that Im a bitch when I get my period.

    Xanax meaning & definition 9 of Xanax.

  • anti-anxiety pill that has both positive and negative effects, can be a wonder durg for people who have very high anxiety ( like myself ) and also can be a nightmare because of the addiction factor. xanax makes me feel so good i want to take it all the time but at the same time i have done some pretty terrible stuff on it. the following is based on my personal experiences with xanax

    no anxiety
    euphoric state of mind
    feeling of superiority
    feeling of indestructability
    the ability to fall asleep whenever


    basically, removal of your conscience
    slow speech, slow movements
    desire to steal
    falling asleep while driving
    10x stronger when combined with alcohol

    Xanax meaning & definition 10 of Xanax.

  • a brand name for a drug used to treat anxiety :

    Xanax meaning & definition 11 of Xanax.

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