Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
A wrestling organisation that was owned by Ted Turner and AOL Time Warner until they began losing money and sold out their fans by selling the company to Vince McMahon. WCW was at one time the greatest wreslting organisation in the world, and will live in the hearts of many for a long time.
Wcw meaning & definition 1 of Wcw.
People tend to use this on social media, like Instagram, Twitter
Wcw meaning & definition 2 of Wcw.
World Championship Wrestling.
Wcw meaning & definition 3 of Wcw.
Woman Crush Wednesday
This basically signifies how much of an ignorant fad driven twat you are.
Often used on instagram/facebook/twitter as a way to compliment and demean people.Wcw meaning & definition 4 of Wcw.
What used to be World Championship Wrestling, a wrestling company that was owned by Ted Turner before being bought out by Vince McMahon in 2001.
Now people on Fb and Twitter say who their female crush is with #WCW, the initials are getting whored out.Wcw meaning & definition 5 of Wcw.
Abbreviation more commonly used on the social site instagram as W.oman C.rush W.ednesday created as a response for MCM ( c.rush m.onday)
Wcw meaning & definition 6 of Wcw.
WCW means Women Crush Wednesday as used in slang terms. You could find the the term WCW on the following apps:Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, ect.
Wcw meaning & definition 7 of Wcw.