grool = girl drool. Grool is not squirting. It is the lube that women produce when they are sexually aroused. Some girls have clear grool and some girls have creamy grool.
Grool meaning & definition 1 of Grool.
A word in mean girls That means great and cool mixed together.
Grool meaning & definition 2 of Grool.
Great and cool
Grool meaning & definition 3 of Grool.
Great Cool = Grool simple and effective
Grool meaning & definition 4 of Grool.
is a combination of great and cool.
Grool meaning & definition 5 of Grool.
any fleshy part of meat or poultry that is considered refuse, or undesirable to be eaten. it consists of tendons, ligaments, fat, and sometimes veins.
people who continue to indulge into the grool part of the meat fall into the category of [MEAF]
Grool meaning & definition 6 of Grool.
when you are talking to THE HOTTEST GUY ON EARTH and he invites you to a party or the movies and you are about to say great but then at the last secound, say cool and it comes out to be GROOL...then end up sounding like a HUGE LOSER when your explaining to the hot guy what you just said
Grool meaning & definition 7 of Grool.
something that is cool,and that is also great
Grool meaning & definition 8 of Grool.
@Tihina hello
Grool meaning & definition 9 of Grool.
"Grool" The yellow slime that a Mare releases when aroused ..."Grool"
Grool meaning & definition 10 of Grool.
A delicacy served to peasants in the dark ages
Grool meaning & definition 11 of Grool.
its [Great] and [cool] [together].
Grool meaning & definition 12 of Grool.
@tina thank you, I was starting to think I was the only one who thought this judging by everyone else’s definition
Grool meaning & definition 13 of Grool.
Groo is a term that has multiple meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. However, a common definition of gool is the act or process of being groovy. It can also refer to something that is cool, trendy or fashionable. An example of a groovy item could be an old vinyl record or a funky piece of clothing.
Grool meaning & definition 14 of Grool.