• A very ugly, usually fat girl who hangs around in bars and clubs waiting to sexually assault males who are too drunk to defend themselves.

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 1 of Swamp donkey.

  • A swamp-donkey is a girl that gets guys that for some reason cant say no to any pussy no matter how smelly,repulsive,and blubber infested,it is. the swamp-donkey is also known to try to inpregnate her self in order to keep the dumb ass that was stupid enough to fuck that low life,gag-amaggot,cockhound, gutter-rat bitch!

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 2 of Swamp donkey.

  • Latin: (Swampus-Donkus)

    Swamp Donkey:

    A very fat, obese women searching from bar to bar for anyone drunk enough to touch here. She is characterized by a very overgrown, winter busch, 4 bottles of perfume to cover up the cooter-stank, gunts and cankles are also very common in this beast.

    Can be found chain smoking and stuffing food in her mouth in between drags. Last one spooted in Hudson WI

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 3 of Swamp donkey.

  • A fat lady that hangs around by herself in clubs and bars looking for a dude thats drunk enough to hit her up...usually ugly, old, fat, disgusting, and incredibly socially inept!

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 4 of Swamp donkey.

  • Female bereft of physical beauty; tug boat; boiler; sea monster; steg.

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 5 of Swamp donkey.

  • Any female predator lingering about bars and nightclubs (or house parties, uninvited) where they prey upon innocent, unwilling, and unfortunate young men who are too inebriated to save themselves from the impending rape at the clutches of a terrible fate. They are large, nasty, dirty, smelly and have no decent features at all. They have no self-respect or dignity, and do not have the decency to lay down and die.
    Roughly three out of four carry at least one STD, but two of those do not show symptoms. At least one of every eight is actually a man with a tiny penis.
    In no cases can a swamp donkey ever look good, even with the worst case of beer goggles.
    Ways to remain safe include [swamp out], aka [wamp out].
    While out on the town, a good, trustworthy wingman (or sober friend) to keep the group safe.
    Swamp Donkey: also known as [wamp] or [wamper].

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 6 of Swamp donkey.

  • This species lurks in the depths of the bar and [club scene] . [Tell tale] signs of a swamp donkey are many and varied, including the wearing of Granny underwear, tight shirts exposing their fat disgusting sloth bodies, and a face that looks like a rotten [bees] nest.

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 7 of Swamp donkey.

  • A less than hygienic person with low morals and of poor character, will do any sexual act ,steal,lie ect. for drugs.
    Can not be trusted but always friendly.
    Persons tend to be loud (like the [braying] of a donkey) and [starved] for attention. They tend to stay stuck in the [muds], meaning they get nowhere in life or of use to anyone other than sexual pleasures.

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 8 of Swamp donkey.

  • A fried chicken and watermelon eating, malt liquor [guzzling], drive by committing nigger. Also known as [moon crickets] and [jigaboos].

    These animals smell like 40 year old decayed produce mixed with cheap malt liquor and too much cologne that they use to (unsuccessfully) cover up the smell of nigger.

    Not to be confused with humans

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 9 of Swamp donkey.

  • It is a [prison slang] [term] for [females].

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 10 of Swamp donkey.

  • of British origin, meaning a [slobbering] [blob] of a girl who hangs out at [shady] bars hoping for some action.

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 11 of Swamp donkey.

  • Ive got one liveing off my best friend please help is there a squad or somthing a possi to irratacate this god awful swamp donkey and is allready reached a leavel that cant be met meanning my friend family is depley under her spell no one will he listin to exapt the SWAMP DONKEY. What ever she says goes and i mean anything her human name while on dryland lureing victoms is M..,; j..

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 12 of Swamp donkey.

  • @Mark-Zuckerberg that fucking off tap mate wow

    Swamp donkey meaning & definition 13 of Swamp donkey.

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