• The shit people go into relationships with. ie, kids, addictions, diseases/
    can be used to imply that someone has HIV

    Baggage meaning & definition 1 of Baggage.

  • Noun
    An issue regarding a persons past that can [affect] their current [disposition]: addictions, [debt], diseases, bad habits, past relationships (significant other or family), or kids.

    Baggage meaning & definition 2 of Baggage.

    1. what someone with kids, debt or other problems brings to a relationship.

    2)the person that is always [dead weight] or a [creech] in a group of friends. The guy that always seems to find out when you are getting together even though no one [invites] him.

    Baggage meaning & definition 3 of Baggage.

  • The crap a new boyfriend/girlfriend can bring into a [relationship] such as an [ex wife] or [husband], debts and kids.

    Baggage meaning & definition 4 of Baggage.

  • [fat in] the [tukis] [area]

    Baggage meaning & definition 5 of Baggage.

  • a backpack, usually always attached to the [poonjack]. THe contents are as follows: [stewey] pajamas, footbAll boxers, atleast one [brown shirt], one pair of baggy cargo shorts, a pair of basketball shorts in case we ball, one pair of socks, a pair of sweatpants in case we go to the city, hollister cologne, and acne medication.

    Baggage meaning & definition 6 of Baggage.

  • [the friend] who gets totally smashed when your [all out], then goes on like a twat (eg. falling over, [being sick]) and someone is left to look after them

    Baggage meaning & definition 7 of Baggage.

  • A sassy, lively or high-spirited girl, a little [pepper pot], one who smarts off, doesnt respect authority. [Regency] English, late 1700s, but girls were called this into the 1940s. Less of a hobag, more of a cute [pain in the neck].

    Baggage meaning & definition 8 of Baggage.

  • Can be used as a substitute for girlfriend or boyfriend, however it is more commonly used by males referring to their girlfriends…
    Contrary to popular belief it is not a derogatory word, rather it is a [succinct] and [apt] term used to describe your [better half] in a relationship
    See also baggage handling and baggage commitments

    Baggage meaning & definition 9 of Baggage.

  • Suitcases and bags containing personal belongings packed for travelling; luggage.

    Baggage meaning & definition 10 of Baggage.

  • The way your pants [lay on] your shoes, or the way your [socks] are [folded].

    Baggage meaning & definition 11 of Baggage.

  • A [squaddie] term referring to a person who is drunk to the point they cannot function, they have to be [carried] everywhere, ([baggage] party)

    Baggage meaning & definition 12 of Baggage.

  • Baggage is when you [punt] a child across [Walmart] and catch them in [a plastic] bag, after you catch the child you proceed to beat the child filled bag against the floor.

    Baggage meaning & definition 13 of Baggage.

  • Personal belongings packed in suitcases for traveling; luggage.

    Baggage meaning & definition 14 of Baggage.

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