• the only way to be these days.

    Independent meaning & definition 1 of Independent.

  • A person not corrupted by a [tug-of-war] ideology seen in [partisan] voter life. Someone who understands propaganda and how it is used in politics. Thus, they are not [suckered] into a side due to incorrect facts; shown only to sway the people who are too lazy to look things [up themselves].
    While most partisan fools will say independents are too scared to pick a side, in reality, partisan voters are the ones too scared to stand up for what they truly believe. Instead of standing up for their own beliefs, like an independent, partisan voters allow themselves to be fed bullshit facts over the radio/T.V. by self proclaimed experts Rush Limbaugh, Bill OReilly, Ed [Shultz], whos only goal is to make everyone think in the exact same way.
    Independents think for themselves and understand that parties will only tear the country in half over their idiotic squabbling as George Washington himself predicted.

    Independent meaning & definition 2 of Independent.

  • [Do stuff] on her own.

    Independent meaning & definition 3 of Independent.

  • Having no [political] affiliation; not a member of an [organized] [political party].

    Independent meaning & definition 4 of Independent.

  • (noun) A registered [voter] who believes that a citizen should choose and hold their own beliefs, instead of believing that 300 million Americans beliefs should all fall into 1 of 2 narrowly defined [partisan] categories. Independents have no party or organization; they represent themselves. [George Washington] was the only independent President.

    (adj.) The status of not relying on outside resources and not being controlled by an outside entity.

    Independent meaning & definition 5 of Independent.

  • The only [logical] future for [American politics]. Will occur when people realize you dont have to vote for [the lesser of two evils], because you can always choose someone who isnt evil at all.

    Independent meaning & definition 6 of Independent.

  • One who does not commit him/herself all the way to one side of the political [fence]. One who actually reasons things out for themselves instead of [hopping] on [the bandwagon] and listening to what everybody else says.

    Independent meaning & definition 7 of Independent.

  • Free from outside control; not depending on anothers authority.

    Independent meaning & definition 8 of Independent.

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