• A crap game that is unfair.

    Bombardment meaning & definition 1 of Bombardment.

  • A great variation of dodgeball.
    this game is played in a gym with one team on each side. Teams cosist of ten-ish people and there are 3 types balls used: A dodgeball, rubber air filled or foam, a foamie wich is a foam frizbee, and a foam, nerf style football. The object of the game is to get a football or foamie into the other teams basket without crossing the halfcourt line. The round is either won by throwing a football or foamie into the other teams basket or by getting all of the othor team out by throwing dodgeballs at them. Usualy 2 typed of dodgeballs are used, 1 or 2 small black ones and a large normal sized one. normal dodgeball rules apply for getting out. if you are hit with a ball, your out, if you catch a thrown ball, football, or foamie, the thrower is out, if you hit an opponent, anyone he has gotten out is back in, and lastly if you cross the gyms halfcourt line, youre out. the game can be really energetic, but it can be very dangerous if you are the last person left in, in wich case you can either get all the remaining opponents out, score a point with a football or foamie, or get bombarded by 5 dodgeballs, thus the name.

    Bombardment meaning & definition 2 of Bombardment.

  • A crap game that is unfair.

    Bombardment meaning & definition 3 of Bombardment.

  • A continuous attack with bombs, shells, or other missiles.

    Bombardment meaning & definition 4 of Bombardment.

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