• A former Republican who grew larger balls and decided to say fuck the establishment.

    Libertarian meaning & definition 2 of Libertarian.

  • One who follows a Utopian political ideology which claims to support individual freedoms in all areas socially and economically. Ironically, while they advocate small government, (i.e. reduction of government in all areas except those which protect the domination of the capitalist class) if the libertarian ideology were to actually be put into effect, it would more than likely lead to an extremely oppressive society, dominated even more than now, by a wealthy few. Because of this, libertarianism can be described as a form of corporatism in disguise. Libertarianism is popular among rebellious high schoolers who in actuality know little of politics or the real world.

    Libertarian meaning & definition 3 of Libertarian.

    1. Someone who thinks Somalia is a nice place to live.
    2. One who thinks Ayn Rand is a good writer and isn't crazy.
    3. Delves into the archives of history to base an ideology off of Industrial Age Europe in much the same way conservatives do medieval England.
    4. One who thinks the free market should decide whether or not it's okay to force your children to work in African mines doing backbreaking labor, inhaling toxic fumes and whatnot for eight cents an hour.

    Libertarian meaning & definition 4 of Libertarian.

  • a closet [conservative]. nowadays conservative refers to [neocon]s and libertarian refers to a [paleocon].

    Libertarian meaning & definition 5 of Libertarian.

  • a person who thinks that they have all the answers to the US government. In actuality their ideas would cripple the US, ans we would never be able to be part of the world economy again. libertarians believe there should be no taxes, which would end the government and structure and economy of the United States
    also, they support vouchers, giving money to kids to go to private schools. if there is the money to send these kids to private schools, why not use that money to improve the public schools?

    Libertarian meaning & definition 6 of Libertarian.

  • A libertarian is someone who wants to take America back to the way it was run in the 1800s, regardless of how much the world has changed since then. Libertarians also have mean hard-ons for unregulated capitalism, believing that the Invisible

    Libertarian meaning & definition 7 of Libertarian.

  • In North America, the term libertarian means what everywhere else is called a Classical Liberal. This is a person who essentially pushes for the rights of big business at any cost. The Libertarian party was, not surprisingly, started by the billionaire Koch brothers. Two key unspoken tenets of North American libertarianism: companies should never be regulated because the Little Guy must fend for himself, and companies should be free to pollute at will. This is a true and accurate description of North American libertarians attitudes although they always try to appear virtuous and intellectual. They are neither. In their effort to appear intelligent, libertarians is argue that in a free market (which has never existed) everything is fair. Not so. In any country that doesn't protect the little guy, big companies can pummel them into submission, particularly in the courts but also when the little guy is a shareholder or employee or a voter. Corporations power lets them get away with almost anything. Even economist Adam Smith would have rejected corporatism, because he believed companies should always be small.

    Libertarian meaning & definition 8 of Libertarian.

  • See definition of [asshole]

    Libertarian meaning & definition 9 of Libertarian.

  • Wealthy individuals who try to frighten others into believing the government is out to get you and your money. Much like the Tea Party, but without the Dominionism. As they see it, the only reason for a government to exist is for defense and protection of the free market. Everything else should be run by private corporation. Anything or anyone that cannot survive the new world order, doesn't deserve to (Social Darwinism).

    While their waving the flag at you, remember a few things Libertarians would like to take away:

    1. Public schools of all kind (primary, secondary and collegiate).
    2. Civil Rights Act of 1964. The government would no longer enforce desegregation laws. Too bad if you're not a WASP.
    3. Civil services and the taxes that pay for them (i.e. Police and Firemen). Those services would be handled by private firms.
    4. Social Security, Medicare, Bluecross/Blueshield.
    5. Labor unions.
    6. Need based student loans.
    7. Government funded research including medicine and technology. No more NASA. No more NIH. No more Center for Disease Control.
    8. Best of all? No business regulation. This includes: minimum wages, disability, worker's compensation, 8 hour work day, anti-trust laws, OSHA, zoning and pollution laws, and many others.

    At the end of the day, the only people who benefit from this fantasy world are other Libertarians. Many of which own, represent and/or invested in big businesses.

    Libertarian meaning & definition 10 of Libertarian.

  • A philosophy held by people who fundamentally fail to grasp that human beings are social animals.
    [Libertarianism] is not to be confused with [Objectivism], a philosophy espoused mostly by privileged 18-year olds who believe that a [toddlers] Mine! phase is the best time of his life and should therefore be encouraged in adults as well.

    Libertarian meaning & definition 11 of Libertarian.

  • In theory, one who believes in [limited Government] only to protect our liberties. Libertarians should be allowed to do as they please, so long as it doesnt conflict with the liberties of others.
    In practice, modern libertarians feel they should be able to do whatever they want. Liberties of any who disagree are often hypocritically [cast aside] with fallacious excuses to rationalize [the libertarians] actions. This especially applies to the realm of capitalism. In an economy with finite resources, [limited government] ensures capitalists can act with impunity the rights of individuals, doing as they please, perpetuating few wealthy many poor. The adoption of libertarianism is often not due to a refined comprehension of the constitution, but rather, parental indoctrination.
    Many opinion-based beliefs of such libertarians include: all rich earned it w/ hard work will, all poor have only themselves to blame, no ones entitled to anything (not even healthcare), success failure are [bw]. To them, sociological advantages disadvantages are nonexistent; all people have to work equally hard to attain retain wealth. Being born mostly into high-income families, theyre accustomed to security resources. They have little concept of hardship. Psychologically, they [ascribe] notions of hardship to experiences most people of lower socioeconomic strata know to be frivolous (feeling entitled to great gain, wealth theyre accustomed to, but with objectively disproportionate effort).

    Libertarian meaning & definition 12 of Libertarian.

  • [Libertarians] are nothing more than economic
    conservatives ([Privatize] all government services, end public schools,
    screw the poor) who are simply not religious fuck-tards. They can be
    anywhere from mainstream christian to atheist, but the only thing they
    have in common is that they do not want to pay any taxes for anything,
    and they would rather have the government just cater to business.
    A typical libertarian is someone who doesnt care about religious or
    moral issues, but who wants to eliminate public schools, because
    education is not a right under the constitution, and who wants to
    eliminate all government regulations on business, because businesses
    can just police themselves
    In other words, they are [amoral] sociopaths who dont give a fuck about
    humanity, or about using government to build a fair, just, equitable
    society that serves all the people equally.
    I bought into the whole libertarian thing a while back, but when it
    came down to regulations, I realized they had a serious disconnect.
    Most of [the libertarian] literature Ive seen, and most of the
    [libertarians] Ive talked to believe in business self-regulation like
    a religion. They seem to think that businesses always have the best
    interests of the people in mind, and that we dont need [minimum wages],
    [zoning] regulations, safety regulations, or any regulations, because
    the market must be free to go in whatever direction it goes in, let
    workers decide which businesses have the best policies by not working
    for bad companies, and taxes only [inhibit] growth and prosperity.
    Its all [total bullshit]. Everyone knows that self regulation is
    bullshit -- it ALWAYS has resulted in corporate aliances that
    deliberately screw customers. Just look how the self-regulation of the
    stock [brokers] and auditors, and energy companies ended up -- [MCI], [Tyco],
    [Enron], Anderson-Little, and others. If a company has an opportunity to
    get away with screwing its customers without accountability, THEY
    WILL. If a company is allowed to operate a facility with dangerous
    practices that endanger workers or the surrounding community, IT WILL.
    Regulations were invented for very good reasons -- to protect workers,
    to protect communities, and to make people and companies accounatable
    when things go horribly wrong. Libertarians want us to forget our past
    run-ins with monopolies and industry self-regulation.

    Libertarian meaning & definition 13 of Libertarian.

  • An advocate or supporter of a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens.

    Libertarian meaning & definition 14 of Libertarian.

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