• A small column or pillar, used as a monument, milestone, etc.

    Stela meaning & definition 1 of Stela.

  • The most amazing person in the world!

    Stela meaning & definition 2 of Stela.

  • A ceramic panel, made to cover the tomb of a person who died in some ancient civilizations, or just a wall panel. Two of these civilizations were the Mayans and the Ancient Egyptians.

    Stela meaning & definition 3 of Stela.

  • One of the coolest girls youll possibly meet. No capability to express [affection] while making you feel like she means it. [Good friend] and great [lover]

    Stela meaning & definition 4 of Stela.

  • [Stela] the most beautiful girl you’ll ever meet in your life. Take care of her and appreciate her because if you make the mistake of not treating her like the queen she is you’ll regret it and somebody else will. She has the most amazing taste in the world i swear she has the exact same opinions as you on almost everything. She is the most lovable and easy to love person ever. You want to be with her and around her all the time because she makes everything better. She brings good vibes all the time and there is never a dull moment between you. You never have to force a conversation it just flows so naturally as if you were soulmates and meant to be. It’s never hard to talk to her and although you have the occasional fight you two will [work it out] because you know a [petty fight] is not worth losing the absolute [flurry] of love you have for eachother. She has the greatest eyes you’ll ever see in your life, it is very possible you will spend days of your life just staring into her eyes and failing more and more in love every second. Her personality is exactly like yours she doesn’t take unnecessary things [too serious] and can joke and laugh with you which is something you cannot [take for granted]. i honestly could keep going and it still wouldn’t do justice to how perfect this girl is. Lastly if you see this and get any ideas that’s a shame for you because [i wrote this] about my [stela] and she is forever only going to be my stela .

    Stela meaning & definition 5 of Stela.

  • The girl with [good humor], great body and hair. Shes pretty, loyal and a big flirt. She is really messy and a big [klutz]. She sometimes goes over the top with everything. Her [love life] is to wish for.

    Stela meaning & definition 6 of Stela.

  • She is the most beautiful and [funny girl] on the world. Not only that be she is obsessed with [Stranger Things]. Sometimes she even get depressed about it, but thats why [she has her friend] Zoe. Stela is a detention of a best friend.

    Stela meaning & definition 7 of Stela.

  • An upright stone slab or column typically bearing a commemorative inscription or relief design, often serving as a gravestone.

    Stela meaning & definition 8 of Stela.

  • a vertical piece of stone with writing cut into it, often used in the past as a gravestone (= a stone that shows where a dead person is buried) :

    Stela meaning & definition 9 of Stela.

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