The fit, attack, or exacerbation, of a disease that occurs atintervals, or has decided remissions or intermissions. Arbuthnot.
Paroxysm meaning & definition 1 of Paroxysm.
a sudden, severe attack of the symptoms of a disease, usually recurring periodically; a sudden outburst of emotion
Paroxysm meaning & definition 2 of Paroxysm.
a fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms
Paroxysm meaning & definition 3 of Paroxysm.
A fit of rage, or pain. An outburst.
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w w w . planethalflife . c o m/ paroxysmParoxysm meaning & definition 4 of Paroxysm.
A [paroxysm] of something is like a large amount of [emotion]. Ex- [Paroxysm] of [happiness] is a lot of happiness at once.
Paroxysm meaning & definition 5 of Paroxysm.