The birth name of a transgender person who has changed their name as part of their gender transition.
Deadname meaning & definition 1 of Deadname.
to call a transgender person by his or her dead name (= their original name that they no longer use) :
Deadname meaning & definition 2 of Deadname.
Deadname is a word used to describe [someone’s] old name after [changing] it (usually a [trans] person)
Deadname meaning & definition 3 of Deadname.
A [deadname] is the unused (birth)name of someone who changed their name, [wether] it has officially been changed or not. So technically, its a [dead name].
You could also call it a deadname because everyone who deadnames you shall become the dead /j
Deadname meaning & definition 4 of Deadname.
[A name] that is [dead]
Deadname meaning & definition 5 of Deadname.
n. The birth name of somebody who has changed their name. Most commonly attributed to [trans] people, but can be attributed to any person who has changed their name. (sometimes written as two words: [dead name])
v. 1. To call somebody by their deadname.
v. 2. To out [somebodys] deadname to the public.Deadname meaning & definition 6 of Deadname.