• Body dysmorphic disorder is characterized by preoccupation with ≥ 1 perceived defects in physical appearance that are not apparent or appear only slight to other people. The preoccupation with appearance must cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, academic, or other aspects of functioning. And at some point during the course of the disorder, patients must repetitively and excessively perform ≥ 1 repetitive behaviors (eg, mirror checking, comparing their appearance with that of other people) in response to the preoccupation with appearance. Diagnosis is based on history. Treatment consists of drug therapy (specifically, SSRIs or clomipramine ), psychotherapy (specifically, cognitive-behavioral therapy), or both.
    Body dysmorphic disorder usually begins during adolescence and may be somewhat more common among women. At any given point in time, about 1.7 to 2.9% of people have the disorder.

    Body dysmorphic disorder meaning & definition 1 of Body dysmorphic disorder.

  • A [psychiatric] condition in which the affected person suffers from a flawed perception that views some part of the body or [physical feature] to be defective or unsightly although an objective observer would not share said opinion. While some people assume that female breasts are disproportionately the feature in question, in fact persons with [body dysmorphic disorder] tend to report dissatisfaction with facial features most frequently.

    [Body dysmorphic disorder] is categorized as one of the Somatoform Disorders by the American [Psychiatric] Association.

    Body dysmorphic disorder meaning & definition 2 of Body dysmorphic disorder.

  • [Mental disorder] that makes you unable to look in a mirror without thinking how worthless and ugly you are. At one point you probably wont leave the house in order to avoid all [the beautiful people] and possible reflections of your [imperfections]

    Body dysmorphic disorder meaning & definition 3 of Body dysmorphic disorder.

  • a mental illness in which a person spends a lot of time worrying about how they look and wrongly believes there are problems with their appearance

    Body dysmorphic disorder meaning & definition 4 of Body dysmorphic disorder.

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