• Among Spanish Americans, a foreigner, esp. an Englishman orAmerican; -- often used as a term of reproach.

    Gringo meaning & definition 1 of Gringo.

  • If you know any mexican people then you'll know this is a non-derogatory term used to refer to US citizens. Mostly because the term American does not make sense to the rest of the Americans (all those people who live in the continent named America, wich is every body from Alaska to argentina), and the word Estadounidense (UnitedStatean)is too long.

    Folklore says it was generated when the US invaded mexico, wearing green uniforms, and the people shouted at them Green

    Gringo meaning & definition 2 of Gringo.

  • a gringo is just a north american or anglo-saxon. it is usually a white person but doesnt have to be. it isnt a hateful term but it can be used hatefully. it also represents behaviour and attitudes latinos consider to be american.

    Gringo meaning & definition 3 of Gringo.

  • Term used by Latin Americans to talk about an American, it doesnt matter the color of his skin

    Gringo meaning & definition 4 of Gringo.

  • The word originated in Mexico, when the United States of America invaded Mexico in order to appropiate half of its territory, back on mid 19th century. Of course this action against peace

    Gringo meaning & definition 5 of Gringo.

  • 1.-In Monterrey, Mexico, we use the word gringo for people who were born in the US.
    It has nothing to do with race. It's not derogative.It's a nationality.
    If someone says pinche

    Gringo meaning & definition 6 of Gringo.

  • In Mexico proper, Gringo can have a derogatory, or casual/ non pejorative meaning depending on the context of which it is delivered. Gabacho has more insulting connotations. A commonly held myth within the environs of Mexico itself is that the origin of Gringo was an allusion as to the U.S. Army under the commands of generals Taylor/Scott fielding green coloured uniforms, hence the Green-Go!!! silliness. (This is utter rubbish, as any serious student of the Mexican-American War knows that it was the colour blue, and remained so till khaki, and later, onward thence to green, replaced it many decades later. A popular song commonly sung by the intrepid American troops, whilst they marched along was, Green

    Gringo meaning & definition 7 of Gringo.

  • Contrary to some things that have been posted here, the US did not wear green coats, or green uniforms, during the Mexican American War, so that explanation for the origin of this word is bogus.

    But the term is indeed related to American soldiers who invaded Mexico during the Mexican-American war. It actually came from the lines of what was then a song that was very popular with American infantrymen.

    See the example.

    Gringo meaning & definition 8 of Gringo.

  • Gringo is a word used mostly by spanish speakers to define an anglo-saxon person, depending the connotation it can be offensive, neutral or even friendly. Also the meaning can change depending on the people that uses it.
    For example in Mexico and central America is mostly used in an insultive way.
    In Argentina due that most people has italian and spanian roots (white and brown hair) its

    Gringo meaning & definition 9 of Gringo.

  • While a commonly used slang term for Americans used by Mexicans, gringo is used throughout Latin America to refer to Americans. It isn't inherently negative, but in some regions - especially Puerto Rico - gringo often is used to refer to white Americans, and many times in a derogatory fashion.

    Gringo meaning & definition 10 of Gringo.

  • A word used by Latin americans and some Europeans refering to a person from the USA, IT DOES NOT MEAN WHITE

    Gringo meaning & definition 11 of Gringo.

  • (in Spanish-speaking countries and contexts, chiefly in the Americas) a person, especially an American, who is not Hispanic or Latino.

    Gringo meaning & definition 12 of Gringo.

  • used in Latin American countries to refer to people from the US or other English-speaking countries

    Gringo meaning & definition 13 of Gringo.

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