b big /bɪɡ/
d dig /dɪɡ/dʒ jet /dʒɛt/
ð then /ðɛn/
f [fig] /fɪɡ/
ɡ get /ɡɛt/
h how /haʊ/
j yes /jɛs/
k kit /kɪt/
l leg /lɛɡ/
m main /meɪn/
n net /nɛt/
ŋ thing /θɪŋ/
p pit /pɪt/
r rain /reɪn/
s sit /sɪt/
ʃ ship /ʃɪp/
t [tame] /teɪm/
tʃ chip /tʃɪp/
θ thin /θɪn/
v [vet] /vɛt/
w win /wɪn/
z [zip] /zɪp/
ʒ vision /ˈvɪʒ(ə)n/
x (Scottish) [loch] /lɒx/
ɬ (Welsh) penillion /pɛˈnɪɬɪən/Consonants meaning & definition 1 of Consonants.
one of the speech sounds or letters of the alphabet that is not a vowel. Consonants are pronounced by stopping the air from flowing easily through the mouth, especially by closing the lips or touching the teeth with the tongue.
Consonants meaning & definition 2 of Consonants.