• One who plays a part; especially, one who, for the purpose ofwinning approbation of favor, puts on a fair outside seeming; one whofeigns to be other and better than he is; a false pretender to virtueor piety; one who simulates virtue or piety.The hypocrite's hope shall perish. Job viii. 13.I dare swear he is no hypocrite, but prays from his heart. Shak.

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 1 of Hypocrite.

  • (1) A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.
    (2) A person who professes certain ideals, but fails to live up to them.
    (3) A person who holds other people to higher standards than he holds himself.

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 2 of Hypocrite.

  • someone who complains about something but finds themselves doing exactly the same thing

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 3 of Hypocrite.

  • Someone who hates it when people do certain things or talk shit about other people but they do it themselves.

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 4 of Hypocrite.

  • A taboo yet accurate referance to all of humanity.

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 5 of Hypocrite.

  • A self-absorbed, arrogant prick who constantly pisses and moans about other people doing something wrong, yet engages in such behavior anyway. Probably someone who has a really ugly girlfriend named Pinky.

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 6 of Hypocrite.

  • George W. Bush

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 7 of Hypocrite.

  • Person who enjoys contradicting ones self.

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 8 of Hypocrite.

  • somebody who pretends to have [admirable] [principles], beliefs, or [feelings] but behaves otherwise

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 9 of Hypocrite.

  • A liar [two face] that says 1 thing and does the other. Uses their powers to make them self appear to be better then they are, and if you give them a solid counter argument, they will [rebuttal] with nonsense. These type of people typically abuse powers and have [conditional] beliefs depending on what benefits them.

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 10 of Hypocrite.

  • A hypocritical person.

    Hypocrite meaning & definition 11 of Hypocrite.

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