• One more that eleven; two and ten; twice six; a dozen. Twelve-men's morris. See the Note under Morris.-- Twelve Tables. (Rom. Antiq.) See under Table.

    Twelve meaning & definition 1 of Twelve.

  • the police.

    Twelve meaning & definition 2 of Twelve.

  • synonym to yeah right, as if, or ye, used in a disrespectful way most of the time, originated in pendleton, south carolina!

    Twelve meaning & definition 3 of Twelve.

  • a word for people who are [bisexual]

    Twelve meaning & definition 4 of Twelve.

    1. XII.

    2. The largest quantity that can be spoken in the English language with only one syllable.

    3. One [dozen].

    4. The square root of a [gross].

    5. 1100 Binary.

    6. C Hexadecimal.

    7. The quantity of Little Twelve-Toes' fingers or toes.

    Twelve meaning & definition 5 of Twelve.

  • A pretentious modern indie film, that tries too hard to be gritty and edgy in respect to modern gloom but falls on it's formalistic face

    Twelve meaning & definition 6 of Twelve.

  • Twelve- How anyone under the age of 25 appears to anyone over the age of 40.

    Disparaging to their level of knowledge, lack of wisdom and their appearance.

    Twelve meaning & definition 7 of Twelve.

  • Twelve is multiple things, hours on a clock, number of a dozen, months in a year, the number of steps needed to summon satan to earth, and the age of most cod players. Twelve is an awesome number.

    Twelve meaning & definition 8 of Twelve.

  • I should be twelve.

    I like [girls], just don't expect me to say it out loud.

    I hate 'em too - very loudly.

    I didn't mean to, somebody pushed me!

    [School] days are way too looooong.

    Weekends are way too short and not enough of 'em.

    Is it Lunch yet?

    Who taped thumb tacks to my chair seat?!?

    I wanna drive it!

    But I want one with a motor on it!

    Where's the food?

    OK, the can's open. Now what?

    They are not from K Mart!

    Hey! You ever played with a Harry Potter Broomstick? No, I mean played with one.

    Do I gotta do math today?

    Who cares who was President in 1841?!? He's dead ya know!

    Oh, wow! Stephanie's bending over! Nnnnniiiiiicccccceeeee!

    I don't think I'll ever be old enough to get away with that.

    If the doctor puts his hand under boys' balls and says to cough, what does he do to girls, grab their tits and say to fart?

    Twelve meaning & definition 9 of Twelve.

  • MUCH higher than I can count; I don't even have enough fingers to do that one.

    Twelve meaning & definition 10 of Twelve.

  • an age that I and many people will never let down. also happens to be the age of some of the most fucking annoying kids on the planet.

    Twelve meaning & definition 11 of Twelve.

  • a number, after eleven and before thirteen. anything else is classified as a regional colloquialism.

    Twelve meaning & definition 12 of Twelve.

  • Twelve, The Almighty Adversary. Often fought, rarely vanquished, Twelve is large and singular at the same time. Twelve, one ..two, comin atcha. Unghh!

    Twelve meaning & definition 13 of Twelve.

  • The Age I hated. Its when hormones are kicking in and you start junior high and all the drama starts. You Want to be treated older but every one treats you like a baby. but you are sooo close to being a teen you cant stand it. You secretly want sex but no one knows it because they, again, think you are a baby. Again, HATED it.

    Twelve meaning & definition 14 of Twelve.

  • A [12 inch] piece of [vinyl].

    The records club [DJs] usually play.

    Twelve meaning & definition 15 of Twelve.

  • The act of [wheelieing] a motorcycle until the tail touches the ground. Named for the front [wheel] being at twelve o [clock]

    Twelve meaning & definition 16 of Twelve.

  • Equivalent to the product of three and four; two more than ten; 12.

    Twelve meaning & definition 17 of Twelve.

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