• In a sleeping posture; as, a lion dormant; -- distinguishedfrom couchant. Dormant partner (Com.), a partner who takes no sharein the active business of a company or partnership, but is entitledto a share of the profits, and subject to a share in losses; --called also sleeping or silent partner.-- Dormant window (Arch.), a dormer window. See Dormer.-- Table dormant, a stationary table. [Obs.] Chaucer.

    Dormant meaning & definition 1 of Dormant.

  • A bit slow or stupid. A bit divvy, thick, backward...

    Dormant meaning & definition 2 of Dormant.

  • Delayed or will be in effective at a later date or time. Is also refered to as something that is not dominant at the moment.

    Dormant meaning & definition 3 of Dormant.

  • (of an animal) having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep.

    Dormant meaning & definition 4 of Dormant.

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